To begin, I in no way believe this is Trump's fault but I have a normie friend stating that Trump was lobbied by the RR companies to do away with the electronic brake regulations. Can anyone shed some light on this. I know I saw some article explaining this was actually started in 2015 under obummer?
The facts don’t matter to brainwashed Libs. They have lost the ability to think logically and rationally.
O I completely agree. Trying to find the reasoning behind trump ending the regulations in 2017
Don't try to fight his straw man.
1 regulation rolled back on train brakes has absolutely nothing to do with the decision to blow it up and poison everyone within miles after it was lying on the ground on it's side not poisoning everyone.
If we really dig the signature on such a change is probably a career bureaucrat. The President isn’t reading and approving the safety requirements for rail cars. What I wouldn’t rule out is DS Cabinet appointees like Chao exploiting the Administration’s desire to roll back senseless regulations to do favors for benefactors from big business.
Better be careful with that second hand info that puts trump in a bad light. I got a warning from the mod.
I asked if anyone could confirm a tweet that trump put out back in 2020. It got taken down and a warning for violating rules. A rule that has yet been disclosed to me.
Who the fuck cares. If it’s so important to Biden and buttplug, why didn’t they reinstate it.