Anons this right here is a very important video *** to listen to.**** No need to “watch” except putting it on and “listen” while you do your other things for 20 plus minutes of this 50min total video.
Okay for only his 2nd time ever in a video, Juan O’Savin for 20plus minutes carefully and clearly ties up the current political and Great Awakening knots so any Anon or Sheeple could understand! So you can skip to 2:40 to 26:50 in order to gain the just of this 50min interview. Juan avoids his typical Game Theory speech but still using very simplified String Theory to nicely tie up the loose knot of our current stage in this war.
Juan ties up The Trains, Balloons, House Investigations, the Tribunal info BS and how It Actually Works, and America’s Near Death Experience involving Russia. And from Juan’s following discussion on the rest of the video, it appears once the NATO/US/Russia Toe-to-Toe experience resolves, we in the US will be on the last step to judicial prosecutions, imprisonments, and yes executions.
Juan also goes into more detail on the “accidents” happening here in the US, and more detail of the Tribunals coming and the ones actually going as I type. The actual number of Tribunals is small and for “small fish” currently. Juan breaks it down fantastically during the rest of the video and the Cabal vs. White Hat back and forth. He does entertain some slight speculation out of David Nino, but really keeps things very focused in this video. This video is kinda like Juan slowly pulling off the Game Theory vail finally, for the Shills and Sheeple.
But To Be Clear, the War is not over! We then MUST turn to help free the world because, Where We Go One We Go All. Together!
What promises did you make? And to whom?
And, going on the chance you shy away from giving a direct answer to a direct question (which seems to be your main conversational tactic), then why bother bringing it up in the first place?
Like when I asked you why you bothered to bring up supposedly knowing Juan O'Savin's real name and occupation and that that information was crucial to believing his claims, yet refused to just say who he was....
Starting to get the feeling you just like people thinking you're privy to all this super secret information that could get you disappeared for revealing it (but anyone can figure out who he is if they follow his info/buy merch/whatever) even though this guy doesn't seem to go to much trouble to hide his identity considering he's supposedly a spy or whatever it is you hint at?
I honestly couldn't give less of a shit what his real name is.
I'm more interested in figuring out the rats nest of contradicting thoughts that you're spouting here. It's pretty fucking funny stuff.
You should ask yourself why are you pressing and having me expose you like opening a Shillbox? I’ve provided plenty of info now that any really worthy Anon can start to put together. This I don’t think “funny” for you at all. It’s sad really.
Not sure what you think you're imparting to me here....
Show some work to what I’ve provided. Then maybe I’ll assist more. Until then you can ponder if I’m on point about your current GAW digital portrayal or not. I won’t lose sleep either way. End of Line Dilenger.
Why would I waste my time on your rabbit hunt when I've told you several times, quite clearly, I don't care who he is?
Do you really not get this? This conversation hasn't been about Juan O'Savin and what his real name is.
It's about you and you feeling it important to let everyone know you're super special and the subsequent demonstration of the most convoluted thinking possible with your self-contradictory arguments made here.
Don't know how to make it any more clear than that.