Everyone in Ohio should refuse to pay taxes in protest of the governments handling of the chemicals spill. Citizens of Ohio I call to you to finally put your foot down and stop coddling the overwhelmingly dishonest government that has left you chemically scarred and damaged the environment in which you live. The only solution is to stop feeding this tyrannical beast that see's you as nothing more than livestock. In a just society after major screw ups like this the people responsible would be jailed immediately and preventative measures would be laid out so this can never happen again. But instead it happens again, and again, and again. They have no problem raping the planet and poisoning the rivers and the wells. If you had any common sense you would freeze all payments of taxes this season in protest or else you are giving the corporatist government the go ahead to do the exact same thing again but this time it might be in your backyard.
this comes from a person in reddit
I'd like to, but taxes are automatically deducted from my paychecks. I file at the end of the year to get some of my money back.
That is by design so you don't notice it. Not legal advice, but you can let your payroll department know that you elect to have nothing withheld, and they can't deny you. Technically the employer is liable to pay the "payroll tax" but they trick you into splitting the bill by withholding it from your check. For convenience, of course.
If you prefer to keep your money up front and "pay the tax man" later, that is entirely your right. The process is different from case to case but basically you need to act like a private contractor and negotiate your contracts accordingly.
If you do this you have to pay quarterly in order to avoid the underwithholding penalty.
See, if the government 'owes' you money (i.e. steals less from you) they give it back to you up to a year later, interest free. But if YOU 'owe' the gov money, you better pay up quarterly or you get 10%+ penalties, PEASANT.
Unfortunately me too.
Demand to be paid by a physical check.
A physical check would still have the taxes deducted.
The employer would have to pay you cash for your services and theres a whole lot of issues with that.