Everyone in Ohio should refuse to pay taxes in protest of the governments handling of the chemicals spill. Citizens of Ohio I call to you to finally put your foot down and stop coddling the overwhelmingly dishonest government that has left you chemically scarred and damaged the environment in which you live. The only solution is to stop feeding this tyrannical beast that see's you as nothing more than livestock. In a just society after major screw ups like this the people responsible would be jailed immediately and preventative measures would be laid out so this can never happen again. But instead it happens again, and again, and again. They have no problem raping the planet and poisoning the rivers and the wells. If you had any common sense you would freeze all payments of taxes this season in protest or else you are giving the corporatist government the go ahead to do the exact same thing again but this time it might be in your backyard.
this comes from a person in reddit
This, like the title, misses the point of not paying taxes. It isn't that we shouldn't pay taxes because they are misusing them. We shouldn't pay taxes because taxes are statements of ownership. The Government owns you. It claims the Sovereign Right to tax you. You have zero choice in the matter because you are property of the U.S. Government Corporation.
Stopping paying taxes is simply a statement of not being a slave.
When slavery was still a legal thing... Well, it's still a "legal" thing, but back in the 17-1800s, when a slave rebelled, if they couldn't be "broken" (made to believe that they were owned), they were killed by the slavemaster. The same thing happens if you choose to stop being a slave today, only the slavemaster is the private corporation called The IRS (an acting agent of The Fed, and sole subcontractor for the U.S. Govt. Corp acting as a mercenary force). Instead of "killed" they "legally" (by force and through fraudulent laws) claim all of your property as theirs and throw you in jail until you admit that they own you.
This is why you stop paying taxes. Not because of "government abuse," but because of the fraud of Government as Sovereign.
This is also why you don't stop paying taxes. To avoid having your property confiscated and being thrown in jail. I regard it as a fee I pay to be able to keep my stuff and remain free to go where I want whenever I want and live in my own home, sleep in my own bed. Because I accept reality as real, and that's the reality of the situation right now: you don't pay, you go away.
The solution is to completely dismantle and destroy the current govt. Overthrow it, topple it, burn it to the ground, and start a new one founded on liberty and the Constitution, without the fraudulent 16th Amendment. Until that happens, gotta pay up.
Not quite. The original Constitution was not based on Liberty, it was based on slavery. The original Bill of Rights included exactly the Banker fuckery, the precedence, required for all the future fraudulent claims to Government Sovereignty that have occurred. See specifically the Fifth Amendment. That Amendment is full of fuckery. The easiest piece of fuckery to show is in the last part:
This makes explicit the claim to your property. The U.S. Governmental Corporation has ultimate decision power over all of your property. "Your" property isn't yours. You use it at their pleasure.
The DOI gave lip service to "liberty," which is just another word for Sovereignty. But when it came time for the Constitution they left all of that out. Every single piece of fuckery that happened since would have been impossible with the following additions to the Constitution:
Sovereignty means "Ultimate Authority." You are not a free person unless you are the person making the decisions. The person making the decisions IS the Ultimate Authority. If you must run all of your decisions (what you can do with your property, what and where your children learn, etc.) by someone else, some other Authority, like a Centralized Authority AKA our entire concept of "Proper Government," you are nothing but a slave.
This (our) entire concept of government as Authority is a fraud, because the truth is, you do have a choice. You ALWAYS have a choice. You are ALWAYS the Ultimate Authority, and your Jurisdiction is you. This is Natural Law. But any choice except the one they say is OK results in them taking away whatever they want from you, including occasionally your life, though much more likely your livelihood, or perhaps your children, etc..
Our entire concept of "Proper Government" is exactly how the Mafia works. For example, in organized crime they call it "protection money." In government, they call it "taxes." The only difference between any Government that is the Ultimate Authority (no matter their constitution) and the Mafia is the name given to their rackets. Same fraud, different scope.