DOJ Drops Sex Trafficking Probe Into Rep. Matt Gaetz After Leaked Texts Reveal $25M Extortion Plot By Israeli Govt
The Department of Justice officially declined to charge Florida Rep Matt Gaetz in a sex trafficking investigation on Wednesday after leaked texts revealed the Israeli government appeared to be implicated in a $25 million extortion plot targeting Gaetz's fa...
I guess when they can't actually coerce a politician onto their pedo Islands, they need to create bogus charges to eliminate them. While you can never be sure, if a politician is being attacked by the lamestream media and the Isreali government, you can be somewhat sure they're probably on the right side.
Correct. Israel isn’t our friend.
Even if you go by the mainstream view, Isreal isn't a friend to the US. US throws tons of money at them for nothing in return. And then Isreal stabs the US in the back every chance it gets, by stealing US nuclear and military secrets.
If you go for the more in-depth (non MSM) view, it's even worse.
We get a lot in return. It's a weapons testing ground. Iron Dome, Iron Beam, etc.
Ok, the MIC gets a lot in return.
Israel military are the only operators of those 2 technologies (Iron Dome and Iron Beam). If the US ever requested them, Israel might be willing to sell it to them (who knows for what price) but as of right now, they have not. The relationship is one way. I do agree that the US MIC benefits. US buys a lot of weapons from the US MIC and gives them to Israel.
We protect Israel because that's what God wants.
You should look into when the state of Israel was created. Not in Biblical times 😬
Citation Needed
No, it is what humans or possibly aliens want. We live on planet traveling through space. There are no god's chosen people. If there was a chosen country it would be the USA since we have the best geography compared to any nation on the planet.
The Israel that God commanded to protect is not the one you see on television.
That Israel that you see is a false one full of Pharisees.
what what what, you anti-semite you!
six million jews i tell you! six million!
They definitely killed 60 bajillion jews. Stop questioning things bigot.
In Ukraine, I don't think it's just that. The US has a lot interests in Ukraine and the cabal has shown a willingness to burn Xiden. In fact, they're trying to replace him right now. The bio-labs are one interest they have. Entities outside of Ukraine have started buying up farmland there (likely WEF linked). Also, Ukraine appears to be a hot spot for human trafficking. And because of the poverty, the cabal has hired Ukrainians on the cheap in the past and sent them into Europe to protest on their behalf. We know about this because these activists have been intercepted at the border many times and sent back (prior to the Russo-Ukrainian war).
Also, Putin has lots of dirt on Xiden as well. I find it odd that he has not released it. Either he's saving it as a future contingency or doesn't think that getting Xiden removed from office would be useful to him. In that assessment, he is right. Xiden is weak. America's enemies are having a field day with him being apparently in charge. Although that is almost certainly by design.
I think, even the "red pilled" americans out there still believe "russia man bad" - and any evidence/info that Putin would put forward, would just fall on those deaf ears.
It's too easy for Fake News Media to smack that lane down still - their propaganda of "everythign you hear that is from russia is fake" is still too deeply entrenched.