I actually did that. Wish I'd been a fly on the wall when he opened it. Once some teen jerk was playing chicken with me in front of a middle school. I ran the plate and this kid had just gotten his license the week before. And the name sounded familiar. Turns out it was the son of one of the pastors at my church. I emailed the pastor and I think I thoroughly freaked him out. I've always told my kids to watch themselves on the roads because anything can be found on a license plate.
Please tell me you actually did that๐ธ
I actually did that. Wish I'd been a fly on the wall when he opened it. Once some teen jerk was playing chicken with me in front of a middle school. I ran the plate and this kid had just gotten his license the week before. And the name sounded familiar. Turns out it was the son of one of the pastors at my church. I emailed the pastor and I think I thoroughly freaked him out. I've always told my kids to watch themselves on the roads because anything can be found on a license plate.