I think its an unfortunate effect some people have following any post viral recovery. Like you said, clinically long covid is indistinguishable from many other chronic fatigue like illness. So it could either be those illness or a result of the virus or possibly a result of constant exposure to EMF if your not a virus believer.
From my own layman's perspective i think its a result of the spike protein, whether it came from natural infection or from the vax its a possibility it gets into the adrenal glands, stays their and completely fucks your energy levels. I forget where i read this that the spike has been known to sit there, well i mean where doesnt it go at this point.
The issue i think is, through natural infection you have a much better chance of not having this outcome, it has to get past your mucosal defenses and other immune responses as well as having to work its way through the body the whole time its being fought by antibodies and other defenses. The vax gets direct access to your body and gets a free ride through your circulatory system bypassing mucosal entry and worse still reproduces at a much higher rate in the body, forcing your cells to then produce more of it. So then if it does get to your adrenal's, or brain, or heart its going to start telling those cells to produce the poison too.
It definitely was an issue before the vax but i believe not as much of a likely outcome through natural infection. I know there's lots trying to say it doesn't exist or its a direct result of vaccination. Maybe it doesnt and it literally is just lymes/other chronic fatigue or what i described above.
I think you're on to something here, Kurskar. As you alluded to, the spike is present in the actual virus of course, and the spike protein is a toxin. Yes, the purebloods avoid having their cells become spike protein factories, but we're still coming into contact with that spike protein when we catch covid-19 naturally. For a small percentage of un-jabbed people, that spike protein is going to cause major, major problems. Supposition of course, but I think your line of thinking here makes a ton of sense.
I think its an unfortunate effect some people have following any post viral recovery. Like you said, clinically long covid is indistinguishable from many other chronic fatigue like illness. So it could either be those illness or a result of the virus or possibly a result of constant exposure to EMF if your not a virus believer.
From my own layman's perspective i think its a result of the spike protein, whether it came from natural infection or from the vax its a possibility it gets into the adrenal glands, stays their and completely fucks your energy levels. I forget where i read this that the spike has been known to sit there, well i mean where doesnt it go at this point.
The issue i think is, through natural infection you have a much better chance of not having this outcome, it has to get past your mucosal defenses and other immune responses as well as having to work its way through the body the whole time its being fought by antibodies and other defenses. The vax gets direct access to your body and gets a free ride through your circulatory system bypassing mucosal entry and worse still reproduces at a much higher rate in the body, forcing your cells to then produce more of it. So then if it does get to your adrenal's, or brain, or heart its going to start telling those cells to produce the poison too.
It definitely was an issue before the vax but i believe not as much of a likely outcome through natural infection. I know there's lots trying to say it doesn't exist or its a direct result of vaccination. Maybe it doesnt and it literally is just lymes/other chronic fatigue or what i described above.
I think you're on to something here, Kurskar. As you alluded to, the spike is present in the actual virus of course, and the spike protein is a toxin. Yes, the purebloods avoid having their cells become spike protein factories, but we're still coming into contact with that spike protein when we catch covid-19 naturally. For a small percentage of un-jabbed people, that spike protein is going to cause major, major problems. Supposition of course, but I think your line of thinking here makes a ton of sense.