The cabal is preparing for their fake return of Jesus. πŸ€”πŸ’­ Theory πŸ˜²πŸ’‘
posted ago by GodLovingPatriot ago by GodLovingPatriot +73 / -0

Has anyone noticed all the Jesus commercials on tv lately? Even during the halftime show they had a jesus commercial. These revivals seem suspect to me too. Something feels like they are trying to prepare everyone for something biblical. It will be a fake. Most will be fooled. Even people on this board. I believe they will even inflict mass hypnosis and feelings of pure joy with the technology that they have. They will pull all the stops for this one. Its gonna be huge and extremely deceiving. I pray i have the discernment to know the difference when it comes. I pray all of you do too. They could knock out the internet and only broadcast their show on live tv so we cant debate it together.