If you’re a “bad actor”, would you rather be labeled as a pedophile or a monster? Pizzagate was an operation/diversion. Yes sex trafficking within the elite exists. It is horrible. But pizzagate was hijacked to hide the wicked reality and inflate the public outrage of the sex trafficking that was tied to it. The truly sinister motive behind human trafficking is organ harvesting. We are not humans to them, we’re a commodity.
Edgar Welch was arrested outside of Comet Ping Pong carrying an AR-15. He allegedly drove all the way from North Carolina to “investigate pizzagate”. He was arrested after finding nothing, and the media reported that he was a “crazy conspiracy theorist” and that story got amplified to make us all look crazy.
Edgar Welch carried an AR-15 into a restaurant, allegedly fired one round, and was sentenced to only 4 years? He’s out already, released February 17, 2021. He amplified the narrative they wanted and he slipped away into darkness. He wasn’t a lunatic, he was an asset.
Now pizzagate is true, but they manipulated, inflated, and focused the narrative on an “unhinged conspiracy theorist and domestic terrorist” hellbent on finding evidence of sex trafficking. All the while protecting the real agenda of human trafficking and organ harvesting. Sex trafficking is just a sliver of what is taking place.
This is the story behind the story. Take the Wayfair conspiracy as an example. Everyone is jumping to conclusions that they are selling children into the sex trade, when there are codes in the organ donation market for what organs are called (i.e. shoes, dressers, artwork). We are so troubled by elites raping children, that it becomes all we see. That is 100% intentional. The way they stop us from asking the right questions is by scaring us. Calling us conspiracy theorists.
Why would the FBI release the chart with symbols that represent pedophelia? They needed us to be outraged over something. They knew the Wikileaks emails were coming out. They knew what was on Anthony Weiners laptop. They know what’s on hunters laptop. They’re focusing our attention on a sliver of what is going on. We missed the mark.
Now think about how long the organ transplant list is. Regular people on the transplant lists have to wait months or even years for a transplant. How does the worlds elite jump to the top of the list? https://newspunch.com/rockefeller-breaks-world-record-for-most-heart-transplants-at-101/ We saw Selena Gomes get a kidney transplant from her “best friend”. Now what are the odds that they were a match for a transplant? What about Queen Elizabeth? Or Prince Phillip? Or George Soros? How many organ transplants have they had? Stephen Hawking was on Epstein’s flight logs. He wasn’t diddling kids. What was he doing there?
Why is planned parenthood so important to the left? It’s not about the ritual. If they can grow an ear on a rat, what can they do with parts of an aborted fetus? Stem cells? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11718601/Human-CLONES-grown-people-spare-parts-key-living-forever-expert-claims.html Why is illegal immigration so important? What happens to all the homeless that goes missing? What happens to all the children that go missing? You think all of these experiments and tests happen on pigs? We’ve heard of organ harvesting in Ukraine, Haiti, China, etc. ITS VERY REAL. but no one is talking about it.
Let’s start that conversation. Let’s start asking the right questions. Let’s save the children. WWG1WGA
A lot of this is covered here https://rumble.com/v2a717s-20-feb-23.html
This was a thought provoking writeup. Thanks for taking the time to educate some folks. Why would all these elites trekking down to Epstein island? Did they all need a new heart valve or kidney or were some in for a nip and tuck while others getting their jollies with the kids? Probably the latter.
I’d assume the latter as well