Given how he can prove his troops were attacked with chemical weapons in Ukraine, he doesn’t want to give a fuck anymore and remain the only one sticking to the goddam rules.
Yeah, well, tactically he's not really at an advantage here.
It's clear Ukraine was doing it. We know they've got unhinged people doing unhinged things and quite intentionally. Torturing POWs is documenting. Shooting POWs is documented. Chem weapons (looked like sarin or similar nerve agent) is documented.
But, if Putin screams about it, what happens? The West claims he's escalating, plays the victim in their own propaganda. Tensions and rhetoric amp up. Putin's been very calm, deliberate, and careful in managing his PR. He makes his case through legal channels, uses the UN, etc.
Why? He's trying to avoid WW3. NATO is trying everything in its power to provoke Russia into doing something stupid, so they can play the victim, and start a full-scale war. NATO's ability to fight it is very much in question, but ultimately NO intelligent person wants to escalate this. Putin's been crystal clear about avoiding provocations of his own and accommodating NATO's. He's doing his fighting economically (and winning), geopolitically (and winning), and on the ground in Ukraine (and winning).
Comrade Putin went into some deeper details on that.
So NATO allies were helping mod drones to attack Russians. He also pointed out that some leaders in the NATO crew have openly talked about defeating Russia (like our dems making them the boogey man). After seeing the proxy attacks against his people, he gets Nuclear treaty requests for inspections of all of his defensive sites.......
He's being proxy attacked by people and then surprise inspection motherf!@#. We want to tour all your sites. Yeah is it a surprise that isn't going to be a yes from hims considering the BS hes dealing with in Ukraine?
Totally not an abuse of the treaty on NATO's part to gain intel via treaty inspection abuse during an ongoing escalation of conflict. Guess what the results are, now Putin has suspended the treaty (I may be to broad there, i dont know the specifics). The disarm crowd just got Russia to walk away (or suspend) from Nuke treaties. Nice job...
I look at this whole Ukraine/Russia thing and ask myself what I would do in his shoes and the more I do that the more I see Russia fighting against the Elite global cabal, just like he mentioned in his speech today.
Was happy to hear he said our problems here in the USA were due to our Elites primarily. That we (not us but normies) are lied to and manipulated by them. It's an important distinction.
Also the part of them normalizing pedophilia and transgenders. He seems engaged in building the traditional nuclear family in his country and offering incentive by waving the real estate taxes for families with two or more children. A lot of emphasis on his countries tech and building industry (are these Russian 15 min cities??) also on veterans and current soldiers. A real campaign speech I just heard, but given the world is watching he sounds like his truth will be heard.
Whereas in America they give extra money to women without a husband who have children. So there's an incentive for women to not marry their husband so they can get welfare. My cousin does it, she's been with the same guy for years and keeps pumping out kids and remains unmarried so they can get welfare.
That sounds iffy. She would have to state who the baby daddy is or she thinks he is and then they go after child support. does he have ANY job? Anyway, it's fraud!
Yeah. If you look at Western industrial countries and the big players in Asia, we're ALL in a demographic time bomb. We have too many old people and not nearly enough children to support them. In some cases, we're so far below the levels of population replacement that these countries won't be able to fill their own jobs in their current economies within 10-15 years.
This is why the EU and US are so aggressively importing the third world. Their war on the psyches of white women has produced a cohort of women who think their role in society is to be an expendable wage slave instead of a breeder. They talk like men, work like men, f... like men, etc, and they're told they're "strong and independent" and liberated. Meanwhile, they're not making babies, not having families, and deeply unhappy with it. And society is now risking collapse... not just the Ponzi schemes that are the social welfare programs, but entire economies. Russia has the lowest birth rates of all of them. Decades of Soviet psych warfare and abortion as birth control, and now Putin's trying to rebuild, just as Orban in Hungary and Duda in Poland are.
But yeah, I think Putin's nearing the end of his political life and he's trying to create a legacy as a builder. He's laying the groundwork for future prosperity. He's putting the framework in place for someone, likely Medvedev, to take over.
He leaving the nuclear pact with U.S.
Good. I would too.
Given how he can prove his troops were attacked with chemical weapons in Ukraine, he doesn’t want to give a fuck anymore and remain the only one sticking to the goddam rules.
Yeah, well, tactically he's not really at an advantage here.
It's clear Ukraine was doing it. We know they've got unhinged people doing unhinged things and quite intentionally. Torturing POWs is documenting. Shooting POWs is documented. Chem weapons (looked like sarin or similar nerve agent) is documented.
But, if Putin screams about it, what happens? The West claims he's escalating, plays the victim in their own propaganda. Tensions and rhetoric amp up. Putin's been very calm, deliberate, and careful in managing his PR. He makes his case through legal channels, uses the UN, etc.
Why? He's trying to avoid WW3. NATO is trying everything in its power to provoke Russia into doing something stupid, so they can play the victim, and start a full-scale war. NATO's ability to fight it is very much in question, but ultimately NO intelligent person wants to escalate this. Putin's been crystal clear about avoiding provocations of his own and accommodating NATO's. He's doing his fighting economically (and winning), geopolitically (and winning), and on the ground in Ukraine (and winning).
Comrade Putin went into some deeper details on that.
So NATO allies were helping mod drones to attack Russians. He also pointed out that some leaders in the NATO crew have openly talked about defeating Russia (like our dems making them the boogey man). After seeing the proxy attacks against his people, he gets Nuclear treaty requests for inspections of all of his defensive sites.......
He's being proxy attacked by people and then surprise inspection motherf!@#. We want to tour all your sites. Yeah is it a surprise that isn't going to be a yes from hims considering the BS hes dealing with in Ukraine?
Totally not an abuse of the treaty on NATO's part to gain intel via treaty inspection abuse during an ongoing escalation of conflict. Guess what the results are, now Putin has suspended the treaty (I may be to broad there, i dont know the specifics). The disarm crowd just got Russia to walk away (or suspend) from Nuke treaties. Nice job...
I look at this whole Ukraine/Russia thing and ask myself what I would do in his shoes and the more I do that the more I see Russia fighting against the Elite global cabal, just like he mentioned in his speech today.
Was happy to hear he said our problems here in the USA were due to our Elites primarily. That we (not us but normies) are lied to and manipulated by them. It's an important distinction.
Also the part of them normalizing pedophilia and transgenders. He seems engaged in building the traditional nuclear family in his country and offering incentive by waving the real estate taxes for families with two or more children. A lot of emphasis on his countries tech and building industry (are these Russian 15 min cities??) also on veterans and current soldiers. A real campaign speech I just heard, but given the world is watching he sounds like his truth will be heard.
Whereas in America they give extra money to women without a husband who have children. So there's an incentive for women to not marry their husband so they can get welfare. My cousin does it, she's been with the same guy for years and keeps pumping out kids and remains unmarried so they can get welfare.
I would rather an American woman be given a handout than an illegal.
That sounds iffy. She would have to state who the baby daddy is or she thinks he is and then they go after child support. does he have ANY job? Anyway, it's fraud!
Yeah. If you look at Western industrial countries and the big players in Asia, we're ALL in a demographic time bomb. We have too many old people and not nearly enough children to support them. In some cases, we're so far below the levels of population replacement that these countries won't be able to fill their own jobs in their current economies within 10-15 years.
This is why the EU and US are so aggressively importing the third world. Their war on the psyches of white women has produced a cohort of women who think their role in society is to be an expendable wage slave instead of a breeder. They talk like men, work like men, f... like men, etc, and they're told they're "strong and independent" and liberated. Meanwhile, they're not making babies, not having families, and deeply unhappy with it. And society is now risking collapse... not just the Ponzi schemes that are the social welfare programs, but entire economies. Russia has the lowest birth rates of all of them. Decades of Soviet psych warfare and abortion as birth control, and now Putin's trying to rebuild, just as Orban in Hungary and Duda in Poland are.
But yeah, I think Putin's nearing the end of his political life and he's trying to create a legacy as a builder. He's laying the groundwork for future prosperity. He's putting the framework in place for someone, likely Medvedev, to take over.