I stumbled onto Q in January, 2018 because I kept seeing references to Q in the Conservative Treehouse comments section. Can't even remember how I found CTH. One of the first big "proofs" for me in real time was the John Perry Barlow thing. I didn't know who he was on January 27 when Q posted his name in the "NOBODY is safe" post 628, so I looked him up. A couple of weeks later he was dead. At the time I thought "Maybe this Q person knew he was sick." But I also thought picking someone like Barlow as relevant to the deep state issues being discussed would require a pretty wild imagination. There was something about his random relevance and the fact that truth is stranger than fiction that grabbed me.
Fast forward and I am older and maybe just a wee bit wiser. My entire world view has been flipped upside down. I have spent a significant percentage of my adult life reading and researching and listening to podcasts, and the only thing I know for sure is that I don't know the half of it. Carry On Digital Soldiers! Just wanted to share. When did you find Q?
Hey that's certainly better than nothing, a LOT better.
Yeah you gotta fight that urge to come out with the craziest/most important/most mind-blowing stuff. Thankfully though, like you said, there's a lot of Q stuff that's mind-blowing without getting into the pedophilia cannibal world leaders.
I take a similar approach to what you mentioned, I pretend that I'm just starting to consider some things myself. Like "I just learned a few days ago, and you can even check this on the internet...(insert thing here)..." and I'd say more often then not the reaction is at least something about how the media or history books lied to us about said thing. And of course you can use that to lead into the people who run the media, how it's all the same few people and what their agenda is.
I have noticed that probably the toughest thing is trying to cure a person afflicted with TDS.
This, don't start off with the pedo and adrenochrome shit that scares people away immediately. Ease in with economics and fraud and what not.