$60,000 for a dance show because he wanted to dance around. Many people criticized it but I think he deserves it. The fact is that James O'Keefe delivers the goods.
$150,000 on uber black cars.
Who cares? First of all, Uber black is not some crazy luxury. Yes it costs more, but not that much more. I don't even see how you could spend $150,000 on uber rides. He must have been giving his employees Uber Black rides. Oh, what a crime!
This is about Pfizer. He has whacked the bee's nest with a baseball bat.
He does say he knows people there. The point is to question everyone, not to automatically give them a free pass b/c they are on "our side" or think the way they do, neither should we throw someone under the bus just b/c they disagree with us on something.
Far as I am concerned O'Keefe has done excellent work and brought to light many things that would have otherwise gone unknown by everyday people, and he should be lauded for that, but that doesn't preclude him from criticism if he does something wrong either.
O'Keefe shouldn't be free from criticism, I agree.
What I don't agree with, is this guy leaving out every issue with the board and their complaints, the donor who came out and said the words they put in her mouth were a lie or the blatant lie about him being married and appropriating funds on a wedding that provably never happened. This guy is only telling one side of the story and passing it off as being neutral. Just another piece of shit with an obvious agenda
We do not use pronouns for the reasons you falsely assume.
We use them the correct way.
We are more than one person. It is a shared account. This is for limited protection. Sadly some connected with or related to the group have been threatened, attacked, murdered and worse. Some also not connected with or related to the group but knew or witnessed extreme corruption connected with Racine also were threatened, murdered or died under mysterious circumstances. This is not a game.
Those who control Racine have wealth, power and access beyond your comprehension.
Jesus Christ is The Truth. That is why The Truth is capitalized.
We do not repeat the same thing over and over, and answer most genuine questions.
Are you genuine or disingenuous?
What was your handle on Voat? Do you know the whole story about Voat?
Do you know more about Racine, Wisconsin?
We do not lie. We do not share disinformation. We do not ask for votes or likes or subscribers or credit or donations or anything in return.
Why did you previously pretend to be supportive and helpful?
We do not lie. We do not deceive. We are not foolish.
We have shared what happened on Voat. Others not a part of the group who investigated Racine and witnessed events and actions on Voat including u/into_the_continuum know that what has been shared is accurate and truthful.
We are sharing detailed information that proves the significance of Racine, Wisconsin in the bigger Agenda planned and orchestrated by the most powerful groups in the world.
If you believe those at the top levels will be held accountable by the corrupt systems they control, you do not understand their power or intentions.
The Root must be exposed to all. It is not a low-effort stall tactic. If you wanted to help, you could.
Yet you are blasphemous and disingenuous. Repent before it is too late.
$14,000 for a flight to get his boat fixed
$60,000 for a dance show because he wanted to dance around. Many people criticized it but I think he deserves it. The fact is that James O'Keefe delivers the goods.
$150,000 on uber black cars.
Who cares? First of all, Uber black is not some crazy luxury. Yes it costs more, but not that much more. I don't even see how you could spend $150,000 on uber rides. He must have been giving his employees Uber Black rides. Oh, what a crime!
This is about Pfizer. He has whacked the bee's nest with a baseball bat.
So, he just completely omits the fact they lied about James spending $12,000 on his own wedding? Sounds like this guy is cozy with some board members.
He is not even married. That 12,000 was for the Christmas party for the employees.
He does say he knows people there. The point is to question everyone, not to automatically give them a free pass b/c they are on "our side" or think the way they do, neither should we throw someone under the bus just b/c they disagree with us on something.
Far as I am concerned O'Keefe has done excellent work and brought to light many things that would have otherwise gone unknown by everyday people, and he should be lauded for that, but that doesn't preclude him from criticism if he does something wrong either.
O'Keefe shouldn't be free from criticism, I agree. What I don't agree with, is this guy leaving out every issue with the board and their complaints, the donor who came out and said the words they put in her mouth were a lie or the blatant lie about him being married and appropriating funds on a wedding that provably never happened. This guy is only telling one side of the story and passing it off as being neutral. Just another piece of shit with an obvious agenda
The real story is much deeper than this propagandist could understand.
Not many realize what really happened with the Pfizer video, or why this is unraveling.
There are more than two sides to every story.
We do not use pronouns for the reasons you falsely assume.
We use them the correct way.
We are more than one person. It is a shared account. This is for limited protection. Sadly some connected with or related to the group have been threatened, attacked, murdered and worse. Some also not connected with or related to the group but knew or witnessed extreme corruption connected with Racine also were threatened, murdered or died under mysterious circumstances. This is not a game.
Those who control Racine have wealth, power and access beyond your comprehension.
Jesus Christ is The Truth. That is why The Truth is capitalized.
We do not repeat the same thing over and over, and answer most genuine questions.
Are you genuine or disingenuous?
What was your handle on Voat? Do you know the whole story about Voat?
Do you know more about Racine, Wisconsin?
We do not lie. We do not share disinformation. We do not ask for votes or likes or subscribers or credit or donations or anything in return.
Why did you previously pretend to be supportive and helpful?
Read John 14:6
Why are you lost on this? Are you not Christian?
We do not lie. We do not deceive. We are not foolish.
We have shared what happened on Voat. Others not a part of the group who investigated Racine and witnessed events and actions on Voat including u/into_the_continuum know that what has been shared is accurate and truthful.
We are sharing detailed information that proves the significance of Racine, Wisconsin in the bigger Agenda planned and orchestrated by the most powerful groups in the world.
If you believe those at the top levels will be held accountable by the corrupt systems they control, you do not understand their power or intentions.
The Root must be exposed to all. It is not a low-effort stall tactic. If you wanted to help, you could.
Yet you are blasphemous and disingenuous. Repent before it is too late.
So, what is Pfizer paying you?