Behold, George Soros, Prince Of Darkness, Has A Stroke While Speaking At The Munich Security Conference
Billionaire investor George Soros delivers a speech ahead of the Munich Security Conference at the Technical University of Munich. He speaks about climate change, President Donald Trump and the 2024 elections, and the war in Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, and Ch...
That wasn't a stroke, that was the demon inside him!
This video is clearly fake and dubbed over and this whole thread is acting if it’s real. Not denying soros has a demon inside him but…
Great detective work pede! Demons are real. I have two of em locked up in the basement in my shanty in rhode island. They can be converted it just takes a lifetime! Demons turn into nothing turn into angels. Simple as that! All is takes is divine faith and constant beatings!
Oh hello shill handshake
Hi 👋
I think you might need professional help! Jus sayin
I hope you're joking