Behold, George Soros, Prince Of Darkness, Has A Stroke While Speaking At The Munich Security Conference
Billionaire investor George Soros delivers a speech ahead of the Munich Security Conference at the Technical University of Munich. He speaks about climate change, President Donald Trump and the 2024 elections, and the war in Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, and Ch...
1 verse that's all ya got?
It's a pretty clear verse. What more do u need. You do realize we are both just as equally broken and lost as soros. We simply have the grace of Jesus Christ wiping us clean. It's not us though. It's all him. So who are we to claim that as us
Pretty eye-opening. I understand the hesitancy to forgive Soros, he's done so much damage.
But... We're all broken. So much hatred inside of me for those who've got us in the miserable place.
Satan is on the prowl. He will use this to have us hate and directly give us the chance to act the way we are right now.
I can tell this hatred inside of me and others on here is not of God. I'm easily upset at liberals, Soros, and all the other demon spawn we had to witness.
All I can say is that by Jesus' grace, I am saved. I am a dirty sinner like Soros is. And I deserve the same treatment as Soros if I never had Jesus. Only through grace. I am certainly not the judge.
Anyways, thought I would add, I think you're right Slechta.
Its a chapter, not a verse and more than your baseless claim.
OK one chapter. Mine is not baseless. Study David if you want to know where I base my belief. I use the entire bible for my beliefs. But I understand other people have different ideas or beliefs and that is just fine by me but I also have a right to express my beliefs regardless of your judgements. None of us know EXACTLY what happens after death. To say if Hitler had just accept Christ 2 days before his death that he would be saved totally goes against everything I believe. To each his own. Live and let live.
Your perspective is that of the younger son that protested when the father celebrated the return of the prodigal son, and it is a typical human perspective. But that's not God's perspective. Luke 15 tells us that we each as individuals are so precious to Him that anytime we repent and turn to Him, he rejoices, forgives, and celebrates. He doesn't play the "greater good" game but values each and every one of us. He will leave the flock of 99 to find the one lost sheep. He will welcome back anyone who repents even after a lifetime of sin. This seems unfair to those who have remained faithful to God and did not stray, but instead of feeling cheated we should rejoice with God that another soul has returned because it is what God wants and we are all guilty of sin. It doesn't diminish our salvation in any way when God forgives even the worst sinner that we see as underserving. We were not around when God hung the stars in the sky, and its not up to us to say who God forgives or not.
Comparing Soros to the prodigal son! ok whatever