I used to pride myself in generally being on top of the narrative, and having a general idea of where things are headed to not be black pilled, despite the constant drumming of “just two more weeks” and so on.
Now, not from a lack of trying or not paying as much attention, I’ve completely lost the plot on what the fuck is going on. Where we’re headed, what’s next, what’s the plan, and how much worse can it/does it have to get?
I’ve had my ear to the ground, in tune with all this since 2015, back when The_Donald was under 10,000 subs on Reddit. I’m not only burnt out, I’m driving on bald tires at this point
Does anyone have a good summary of the plot I’ve lost track of with Trump, Q, and the rest of the Patriots and White Hats, that is realistic, isn’t doomfagging, and can’t be boiled down to simply “God wins”?
Starting with the elections... if we are the sole group that will actually make changes at a local level (I see far more action-oriented Patriots here on GAW vs. P.Win, as they tend to just blame everything else on their own inactions), the ONLY path forward is fixing elections.
I live in an area where it is "blue" but almost impossible to find someone who actually voted for Democrats.
In the previous schoolboard election, the in-person voting was in favor of based MAGA folks at a 75/25 ratio (similar in almost all surrounding districts), but there was always just* enough mail-ins to tip the scales in EVERY instance.
Going even deeper into it, there didn't even appear to be nearly enough ballots requested for mailing to even come close to make up the delta.
Even worse, the corrupt local Dems are now forcing "laws" through to eliminate all election oversight, heavily promote (bordering on requiring) mail-in voting, and they have formally eliminated the election oversight/review committee. They illegally made cheating legal. And there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.
Go to the council meetings and explain to them how dangerous/wrong/illegal this all is, and they either stare you down and imagine putting you in a FEMA camp - or just sit there on their phones ignoring constituents.
Take this to court? Get those responsible to literally admit they broke the law? Show evidence to back it up, including violations of duties, local laws and in the case of elections - improperly printed (fake) ballots + admitted broken chains of custody and election violations... the judge makes it sound like he will side with the plaintiffs, everyone gets excited, and then boom... the next morning the case is dismissed and all legal relief denied.
No explanations given. No GOP politicians lift a finger.
So, TLDR: If the elections are not secured, we have absolutely no peaceful options remaining. And I'm running out of patience/willpower.
I agree with you. Election fraud is the top issue.
All the nut jobs in our school board election won, they use voting machines....