posted ago by GQD_ ago by GQD_ +37 / -0

The precise meaning of this statement is not entirely clear, as it is a vague and cryptic statement that is open to interpretation.

However, many believe that "what" refers to a series of events that are in the process of unfolding, including the exposure of corruption within the government, the media, and other powerful institutions, as well as the eventual restoration of power to the people.

Some interpret "what" to refer to the "Great Awakening" or a "Storm" that will cleanse the world of corruption and bring about a new era of peace and prosperity.

Others interpret "what" to refer to the arrival of Jesus Christ, the Second Coming, or some other supernatural event.

Regardless of the specific interpretation, the statement

"Nothing can stop 'what' is coming"

suggests that a powerful and transformative event is on the horizon

that CAN NOT be prevented or delayed by ANY FORCE

and that they are working towards its realization.

I for one can’t wait for the WHAT to be revealed….