So, I went to Ash Wednesday services this afternoon. The church's website said there were four services and I decided to go to the 3:30PM. I got there around 3:20PM and was surprised at how many people were there. There were quite a few kids, and I realized a number were students associated with the church's school, but not overwhelmingly. The service began and you could tell the priest was tickled pink at the attendance as he commented on it immediately. I was seated about half-way down the aisle, so I could see in front of me, but it wasn't until I stood and turned where I could see behind me that I realized it was standing room only in the back. This was like Easter Sunday attendance on a Wednesday afternoon. He brought it up again at the end and thanked everyone. You could tell he was touched.
I couldn't help but think, wow; people are feeling it. Literally. Talk about the Holy Spirit in action. It brought a tear to my eye. I just had to share. I was also wondering if anyone else had experienced something similar.
My 18 year old actually wanted to go with me today. Usually I have to force her to go so hopefully she’s starting to see the light 🤞🏼God bless you!🙏🏻
...Life is sweet...
...God IS good...
Awesome. Thank you for sharing a positive story!
Wonderful to hear.
Attended 7:30 am mass and entire church, including balcony was filled. I was also surprised and thrilled to see so many in attendance.
Me and my childhood friend went to Mass today too. Full circle....reminds me of the song...we are but a moments sunlight fading in the grass...try to love one another right now..
People are going back to church!
Lent is wholly a construct of man there is NO basis in the Bible for it - it is NOT of God.
Isaiah 1:13-14 Bring no more futile sacrifices; Incense is an abomination to Me. The New Moons, the Sabbaths, and the calling of assemblies I cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meeting. Your New Moons and your appointed feasts My soul hates; They are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them.
Don’t read more into Lent than what’s actually there. Lent, although a “construct of man” as you say, is simply sacrificing something of value to you in memory of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Nothing more!
Jesus says we are to daily deny self, take up our cross and follow Him. lent is nothing more than a pagan process that has been christianised by a controlling church!
The Bible doesn’t say that everything has to be in the Bible, moron.
God has spoken through the Bible, He has said NOTHING about Lent!
But not exclusively through the Bible. Will you celebrate the holiday dubbed Easter by the catholic tradition? For the word Easter appears nowhere in the Bible. And my earlier point stands - the Bible never claims that it is self-interpreting, and never makes the claim that it is the sole source of divine truth.
No I celebrate Passover and First Fruits as defined in Leviticus 23.
The New Testament is very clear He died at 3pm in the afternoon of Passover the 14th day of the 1st month, just as as the Passover lambs are slaughters Exodus 12:6. It is always called Passover and never easter - a pagan goddess!
He was placed into the Tomb as evening fell Mark 15:42ff
He, Jesus was then resurrected and three days and nights as He said, Matthew 12:40 NOT Friday to Sunday.
So I have given you all the scriptural quotes to support my position yet you have done no such thing.
Just as the main stream media and politicians have LIED to us, the exposure of which is one of the main purposes of this site so the church (small c because the capital is reserved for the true Church) has LIED to us since its inception in the 4th century. Just as they have done with Christmas, Lent and Easter their three main celebrations!
Can I suggest you a) read carefully the Bible b) ask you church leader, whatever title they choose for themselves, even though Jesus said '... call no man father for One is your Father in Haven..' Matthew 23:9 - ask them for the Biblical evidence for their dating of their Lent, Easter and Christmas. You will find they have none. c) repent of your ignorance and name calling 'moron' (fool) Matthew 5:22 Jesus says whoever calls a brother - an I assume you believe yourself to be a Christian - a fool is in danger of Hell's Fire.
Regarding you poorly attempted jibe - Easter is not found in the Bible, I understand Spanish Bibles mistranslate Passover and print as Easter. They are still wrong but you will find Easter in a Bible.
Say what now - there is no basis for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in the Bible???
Agreed 100%.
I hope something good comes out of it. One thing is for sure, it's trusting in man and man's machinations that takes our focus off God and lands us in all this trouble. But i hope something good comes out of it.
Sounds like you were at my church! Same happening here in SETX. I unfortunately missed the visit yesterday.