Ha. You have backpedaled and changed the subject. Magellan plotted his course by measurements of latitude and longitude. It was not a circle on a flat surface; it was a circumnavigation of a sphere. This was proved repeatedly by voyages in the 400 years since. And with airplane flights. And with orbital flights around the Earth. I don't know why you deny the occurrence of these facts.
You simply dip into your bucket of prejudice and pull out accusations. I happen to be a Christian: I do not "believe" in evolution; and I certainly do believe in a Creator. So, you are wrong, as wrong can be.
The water follows the curve of the Earth, in accordance with physics. It provides the horizon. Why would you think otherwise? You do realize that gravity is a force that impels all terrestrial mass toward the center of the Earth, do you not? The resulting shape is a sphere (modified slightly by centrifugal acceleration), and water is the merest layer on that sphere. Just as the atmosphere is compressed down to its sea level density.
Water is the oldest level tool on earth. because it always finds the level. You can build extremely long canal systems and trust the water to always agree. The water never knows when to change angles.
And the plumb line never gets confused either. If you use a bucket of water and a plumb line you can always find a right angle. scale it up, still works.
Well you could just call it navigation. Also circles can be flat.
You think sailing around on the FLAT water proves you live on a prison planet that the globalists need you to believe in.
They also require you to believe that you evolved and there is no Creator.
Ha. You have backpedaled and changed the subject. Magellan plotted his course by measurements of latitude and longitude. It was not a circle on a flat surface; it was a circumnavigation of a sphere. This was proved repeatedly by voyages in the 400 years since. And with airplane flights. And with orbital flights around the Earth. I don't know why you deny the occurrence of these facts.
You simply dip into your bucket of prejudice and pull out accusations. I happen to be a Christian: I do not "believe" in evolution; and I certainly do believe in a Creator. So, you are wrong, as wrong can be.
that water Magellen was sailing on proves the shape. Or do you think sea water defies physics?
The water follows the curve of the Earth, in accordance with physics. It provides the horizon. Why would you think otherwise? You do realize that gravity is a force that impels all terrestrial mass toward the center of the Earth, do you not? The resulting shape is a sphere (modified slightly by centrifugal acceleration), and water is the merest layer on that sphere. Just as the atmosphere is compressed down to its sea level density.
Water is the oldest level tool on earth. because it always finds the level. You can build extremely long canal systems and trust the water to always agree. The water never knows when to change angles.
And the plumb line never gets confused either. If you use a bucket of water and a plumb line you can always find a right angle. scale it up, still works.