“It’s just so weird. The people who I thought were the peacemakers were the progressives in the Democrat party, but on this one they’ve become pro-war…
It’s absolutely bizarre. I never thought I’d see this happen. I always thought that the people that I have been aligned with for decades now… they would be the ones.”
For some time people have framed political parties at the national level; Republican or Democrat, as two wings on the same bird; a bird of prey.
Thanks to President Trump there are now two new birds; the MAGA Republican eagle and the MAGA dove of peace.
Trumps MAGA Republicans are made up of people who used to either vote for one of the two wings attached to the same vampiric vulture, virtue vote third party or didn'tt vote at all.
I'ts glorious to watch more and more people start waking up and wising up.
Hopefully they'll be on Trumps MAGA Train by 2024 just as many Bernie bros were in 2016.
#TheGreatAwakening #TheGreatRealignment #TrumpsMAGAPeaceTrain