Thread by @WarClandestine on Thread Reader App
@WarClandestine: 1) If you all remember the NIH emails made available via FOIA, you’d recall Dutch Virologist, Ron Fouchier, said that lab-origin was a possibility, but said we shouldn’t talk about it because it wou...…
It coming from a lab, OK they are actively covering this up in the thread.
Which lab though? they say "it may harm science in China".
Documentation coming from Ukraine shows that it was worked on in 2015, in one of their labs. The virus appeared in Wuhan in late 2019.
What we need is some sort of proof of the virus being transported there - we all know that the bat-caves were far away and therefore did not hold water, so this made us all suspect the Wuhan lab. That lab may well have had some of the virus there, but when did they receive the sample? As early as 2015?
What we need to look at here is who was in charge of moving the virus around, who was financing all these labs...
IMO, the subject of China as the source, is the big , smelly red herring.