Probably someone like you or me? He just links to the article I posted in his next tweet, but I couldn't get both in the same snapshot. (The reason he's in my feed is because "Donald Trump Jr., James Woods, and Mike Lindell follow" and I follow them.
| Father & Former Candidate | Political Strategist | R/T's Not Endorsements | BREAKING HEADLINES | #FLO3 | #BillsMafia |
Florida, USAchuckcallesto.comJoined January 2016
7,623 Following
Followed by Mike Lindell, James Woods, and Donald Trump Jr.
Probably someone like you or me? He just links to the article I posted in his next tweet, but I couldn't get both in the same snapshot. (The reason he's in my feed is because "Donald Trump Jr., James Woods, and Mike Lindell follow" and I follow them.
| Father & Former Candidate | Political Strategist | R/T's Not Endorsements | BREAKING HEADLINES | #FLO3 | #BillsMafia | Florida, USAchuckcallesto.comJoined January 2016 7,623 Following 431.5K Followers Followed by Mike Lindell, James Woods, and Donald Trump Jr.
He posts a lot. I follow him too.