According to court dockets, this guy has accused all 3 of his ex wives of fraud. He’s also sued others accusing them of fraud only to drop the case for lack of prosecution. One doesn’t need to be an “expert” to see what is going on here. Best case scenario is that this guy is the boy who cried wolf, and this time he is for real. I am not prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. Not when what he’s claiming lacks the necessary evidentiary record behind it. With everything we’ve seen so far, the best you can get is a “maybe there is something here” but when this appears to be regular conduct by the guy, it doesn’t seem like any kind of stretch to conclude it’s probably at least vexatious litigation and might be the paranoid delusions of a mental illness.
Your substantive response was also a cool story, bro.
Honestly, I wouldn't be so sure, just look around at all the Insanity we have been seeing for about 7 or 8 Years, and each month it just gets more insane, I think this guy could possibly have a case....
But yeah, on the other side of the coin, he could turn out to be a total Nutcase....
According to court dockets, this guy has accused all 3 of his ex wives of fraud. He’s also sued others accusing them of fraud only to drop the case for lack of prosecution. One doesn’t need to be an “expert” to see what is going on here. Best case scenario is that this guy is the boy who cried wolf, and this time he is for real. I am not prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. Not when what he’s claiming lacks the necessary evidentiary record behind it. With everything we’ve seen so far, the best you can get is a “maybe there is something here” but when this appears to be regular conduct by the guy, it doesn’t seem like any kind of stretch to conclude it’s probably at least vexatious litigation and might be the paranoid delusions of a mental illness.
Your substantive response was also a cool story, bro.
Honestly, I wouldn't be so sure, just look around at all the Insanity we have been seeing for about 7 or 8 Years, and each month it just gets more insane, I think this guy could possibly have a case....
But yeah, on the other side of the coin, he could turn out to be a total Nutcase....