The Deep State is trying to hijack the Right-wing narrative in transition, now that the lab-leak cat is out of the bag...
The enemy recognizes they can’t keep the lid on the lab origin anymore. So while the narrative transitions, they are trying to bait the Right-wing “CHINA”...
This is why Wray went on Fox News not CNN. The Deep State is targeting the Right, hoping to divert the trail...
It’s a TRAP!...
No idea what "RET" is referring to?
There's no such thing as "muh viruses". Germ theory is a hoax. There is no "thing" to "gain function". There is no "substance" that was "released on humanity".
The cause of Covid is FEAR and all its adjuncts, worry/concern/scare/fright/terror/etc.
%100 correct,.NO Germs,NO Viruses,NO Gain of Fucntion,.all to keep the poppulations in a state of fear,
." worry/concern/scare/fright/terror/etc."