My wife declined the Hepatitis B vaccine for my newborn. We argued about it. I’m scared to death of making the wrong decision. I’m asking for help, what do you guys think is appropriate for newborn vaccines? The nurse came to our house and told us if we didn’t get the vaccines they wouldn’t work with us anymore. I brought up autism and she said that the person who came out with that lost their medical license and there are ZERO negative side effects for the Hep B vax. Exact words.
It was a long and hard pregnancy. My wife has had trauma in her past and refused any meds (which I was conflicted about because it was a nightmare to live through) and now she may be suffering from post-partem depression. She is way more anti-vax than I am, hates hospitals and doctors after what has happened, and I can’t blame her. Any thoughts or advice would be very much appreciated.
There is absolutely no need to use a pediatrician except for pediatric surgery. Family doctors are the way to go. Find one who will not push 78 shots on your child between now and the age of 18.
Depending on your state, you can get a religious exemption when the child enters daycare or school.
My child is in jiu jitsu. I can tell right away which kids have focus, and which are messed up. I often ask the parent of the focused child, "Did you vaccinate your child?" So far, they always said, "No way." We are living in a world where the majority of kids have focus issues, food allergies, or auto-immune diseases. Vaccines are the cause. After all, aluminum and themerisol are neurotoxins. These are in vaccines, along with small amounts of detergents and DNA from aborted babies.
Now we have to also worry about mRNA being merged with childhood vaccines. It is being discussed, and they already approved the merging of yearly flu ahots with mRNA tech.
This! It's depressing how many neurotic kids there are now, jittery, emotional wrecks, unable to focus, unable to control their impulses... Our kids look dignified and mature next to them, lots of complements. If parents ask how they're so well-behaved, I suggest suramin or colloidal silver...
That is a good suggestion!
I worked in the church sunday school with 4 and 5 year-olds. I had to stop, because I got so sad about how damaged they all were from vaccines. Extremely sad.