A post on our board of a retruth by Trump that expounds on him winning his THIRD presidential election, etc, (https://greatawakening.win/p/16aTCaUCb0/nbd--just-trump-openly-promoting/c/) elicited a number of responses.
Top comment: "and how is this exactly going to happen when they stole TWO elections since he had been in office? Did something fix that problem?"
This is reinforced by several sub-comments, offering the all-too-frequent "nothing happens until we get justice" and "nothing happens", "they never face consequences", "I'm getting impatient".
While such reactions are understandable, they are essentially doomerism. They need a response. The following is an attempt at a big picture sketch, to hopefully draw out the large lines that pedes need to grasp in order to really understand what it going on, and avoid falling into reactionary views that undermine and sap the energy.
"Overcoming the systems of fraud? If so, what happened in 2020?"
it had to be this way.
Grasping The Big Picture
For decades, the white hats have been battling against the Cabal and their evil operations. However, for decades, the White Hats have also been in the underdog position. The corruption too heavy, the odds too difficult. Look at what happened to JFK.
So, the white hats had to plan, collect, bide their time until the right opportunity.
It came some time before 2016. They were able to move and in a wink of an eye, switch the positions, so that they "had everything" and "caught them all". That was 2016.
But the corruption in the system is far too deep and penetrating to be uprooted in a single term, or by a single government, or in 4 years, etc. THe corruption is an international cabal and the US is simply one location, albeit the central one.
So, beginning from 2016, an operation was put into place. Q is just one part of that. And, several things are necessary for that operation (aka extrication and eradication of the Cabal) to succeed.
One, the people of the world must wake up. But there's a problem. People have been brainwashed in the matrix for decades. Whole generations have grow up not understanding how the Cabal matrix was all around them. So, you cannot simply say "hey! this <truth>". It would be rejected and shot down. So, there is a lengthy process required to gradually and successfully wake up enough of the world's population (including the US population) to the fact that things are not what they have seemed to be.
Two, to wake people up, the system must be exposed. That requires letting the system operate, but in increasingly more 'sunlight'. If the system was simply shut down, behind the scenes and from the top down:
Firstly, very few people would even accept that the system exists - you cannot simply "tell" people. Realization needs to come, can only come through waking up via the very painful experience of experiencing REALITY.
Secondly, because the root cause of the problem is the deception of the people, the root solution is humanity throwing off the deception, so without the people experiencing the reality of the world, the Cabal system would simply return and grow back, even if it were removed partially or temporarily. A permanent solution is required, and that requires the system being fully and completely exposed, which requires the reality of it hitting the world BUT with sunlight and exposure now added to the mix.
Three, meanwhile, as the world is waking up, steps have to be taken, mostly behind the scenes to neuter and disarm the potential nuclear-level bomb that is the Cabal. Think of the most complex bomb in a James Bond movie, and multiply that by 1000 or 10,000 in terms of complexity. Once the war was openly declared (2016), the Cabal became a more deadly opponent. They could resort to anything to strike back, including nuclear bombs, massive destruction.
In other words, there needs to be a controlled demolition of the Cabal system, done in such a way that the damage and fallout is as limited as possible, and this takes both time and very careful planning and action. In a game of chess, there is a point where both sides realize that one of them has won the game. The better the chess masters, the earlier they see this. But the Cabal has NO RETREAT option. They cannot surrender. At all. That's because surrender means their destruction and annihilation. So, over time, the white hats have to force them more and more into compromising positions, gradually reducing their options until the final blows can be openly executed.
Controlled Demolition
Look around. So much of their system is being exposed, so many people waking up. Meanwhile the controlled collapse of the fiat currency system, which underpinned all their power and wealth, is underway.
For this reason, in the large scale of things, 2020 had to happen. All of the collapsing of the system could NOT take place under DJT. Afghanistan 'pullout'? Collapse of the fiat USD? Rowe vs wade? etc.
Painful as the process is, the white hats who understood what has been going on, for decades, for centuries, had to come up with an operation, a plan, that took the whole thing down. 2020 was painful, but necessary. And Joe Biden is the biggest red pill the Americans could ever ask for, in reality. Meanwhile, so MANY things DJT's admin put in place have been continuing under Biden, despite appearances.
We want to get to the place where everything is fixed, certainly, but it requires the above elements - exposure of the reality of the system > experience of that reality by the people > the awakening of the people + controlled demolition of the corrupt system behind the scenes.
It is so, so, so much bigger than election fraud in the USA. The election fraud is miniscule in comparison to the corruption endemic to our societies. Election fraud? What about economic fraud? Judicial fraud? Propaganda (information fraud)? Corporate fraud? Education fraud? It's everywhere, and as such, it requires a wholistic solution, as painful as it may be.
And, the controlled demolition requires the White Hats stepping out of the way in certain cases to allow the black hats to take steps that will end up only hurting them. Think jiu jitsu.
Our Part
Our part is to learn to think again, for ourselves, and grasp that there is indeed an operation under way. Collectively, we have been ignorant of the Cabal agenda and malignancy for decades. Waking up to that is the first step, but then we also need to wake up to the White Hat agenda, and see it for what it is.
That's where Q was the kickstart, and that's why we are here.
The war was over before it began. How long it takes, and how it unfolds, well, you, me, and every other individual involved becomes a factor. Nothing can stop what is coming, but we can hasten it or delay it by what you and I choose to do. That's our part in this. But, we are not alone. Not by any means.
Follow up:
Devolution series, re-read Q drops, and review from 40,000 ft. Meanwhile, hunger for truth. Q is/was a psyop to kickstart the process or awakening. We have to continue it.
It's the latter.
Until I saw people dropping dead by the tens of thousands, I was rock solid in my "trust" of the patriot's plan. Not even in a hurry. Do what you must. We need this. The world needs this complex intervention.
But some influencers kept saying: "Trump couldn't sign the insurrection act, that woud have led to civil war!", implying that such a strategy was considered! We the people are the hostages in this.
So the patriots avoided such a path, that could cause the death and suffering of millions, only to lead to.....a path that caused the death and suffering of millions.
That's when my trust started turning to concerns and questions.
And very few were willing to discuss that important topic.
Hey I didn't jab myself... But I know people who did. And I know people who know people who did. This is my sense of community and "thy love for thy neighbor".
I've watched every single interviewed patriot doctor out there, and then some. If the science interests you and you haven't done so, you should watch the Ron Johnson roundtables below. LOTS of rock solid science in there, if you ever doubt the danger of these jabs. If you can handle the pace, this can be watched at a faster rate, such as 125% or even more.
Covid-19: A Second Opinion - Roundtable in Washington, D.C.:
COVID-19 vaccines: what they are, how they work and possible causes of injuries - Sen. Ron Johnson:
Dr. Paul Marik explains the dangers of spike protein:
Expert Panel Discussion on COVID-19 and Medical Freedom | Pennsylvania Senate: