Fetterman's Obituary posted to CNN before being Deleted Soon After? First im seeing of this. Taken from Twitter comment. Still digging, will post findings in comments.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

the url shown is, www.cnn.com/2023/02/23/us/senator-john-fetterneck-died-expectedly-at-walter
fetterneck and died expectedly makes me think fake.
Nope. It is Uncle Festerman... or Festerwoman... depends...
Speaking of Depends, he now has that in common with the Resident (assuming he is still alive). Animal, vegetable, or mineral?
Was thinking along same lines but nothing about it says fake, except the long-chain sub url which happens especially on news aggregate sites such CNN.
So, by that alone, it doesn't dismiss it. Thats not to say it isn't fake or that its real but ive seen fuckups worse than this before when trying to control narrative when information is flowing so fast they cant keep up.