Correct me if I'm wrong, but everything I've seen over the last few weeks I saw years ago. Jim Jordan doesn't even seem to be talking about it anymore.
What's with the slow roll? I'll tell you what it is. Trump would be Vindicated.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but everything I've seen over the last few weeks I saw years ago. Jim Jordan doesn't even seem to be talking about it anymore.
What's with the slow roll? I'll tell you what it is. Trump would be Vindicated.
I’ll take a shot at a possible strategy at play. Hopefully it at least close to being right.
No matter what the Republican Congress does, the only enforcement mechanism they have is the corrupt DOJ. So, the best option is to force this into the court of public opinion.
Simply giving the MSM access to the footage does not guarantee the truth will come out. More than likely the vast majority of the MSM would cherry pick video that supports the DS. That’s why choosing a single journalist to release the footage to creates a set of advantages.
First, Jordan and other Republican Members of Congress will be more able to control the messaging in a “one on one” scenario versus fighting the entirety of the MSM propaganda machine.
Second, giving Carlson first access has created controversy and controversy attracts attention. More people will likely hear the messaging because the publicity created by this approach.
Third, now that Carlson has been given access to the footage, all the press has a right to see it. But, they will be stuck in a position of having to critique what Carlson has shown before they can try to create their alternative reality.