Covid “vaccines” found to be EIGHT TIMES deadlier than the disease itself – government data - DC Clothesline
(Natural News) In the six months that followed the unleashing of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” under Operation Warp Speed, eight times as many people died from the jab than died from the so-called “virus” over the course of 18 months, official go...
Eight time deadlier - SO FAR.
The injections are designed to kill slowly, over the course of several years. This party is just getting started.
(not for me - I am part of the control group and did not participate in the experiment).
Well, some were pretty instant death so we know there were many variations in terms of potency and ingredients. But...I wouldn't trust any government data any farther that I can spit...
BUT the deaths could have been a lot worse.