Sheds light on where DC_Draino head use to be at. Obviously, a city-slicker. In the 1950s and 60s we never thought anyone was "weird". Yet, we were all the above listed and more. Our Amish neighbors was a place to buy and learn from. We grew organic well before the word was ever used. Food preparation and storage was a big event. Neighbors would come over to help with the preserves. In turn my mom would return the favor. On the table, there was lot's of coffee with snacks and cookies. The men always brought their beer and sausage they made. Recipes were often exchanged. The types of jams made was beyond memory. Pretty much everything. I remember even a hot pepper jam, Pickles, freezing corn, green beans, broccoli, rutabagas, asparagus, mulberries, raspberries, packaging meat, and more. Ever have pickled watermelon rinds? Pickled Northern pike? To a city-boy, I guess it might seem "weird" to not know what real community means.
Sheds light on where DC_Draino head use to be at. Obviously, a city-slicker. In the 1950s and 60s we never thought anyone was "weird". Yet, we were all the above listed and more. Our Amish neighbors was a place to buy and learn from. We grew organic well before the word was ever used. Food preparation and storage was a big event. Neighbors would come over to help with the preserves. In turn my mom would return the favor. On the table, there was lot's of coffee with snacks and cookies. The men always brought their beer and sausage they made. Recipes were often exchanged. The types of jams made was beyond memory. Pretty much everything. I remember even a hot pepper jam, Pickles, freezing corn, green beans, broccoli, rutabagas, asparagus, mulberries, raspberries, packaging meat, and more. Ever have pickled watermelon rinds? Pickled Northern pike? To a city-boy, I guess it might seem "weird" to not know what real community means.