Are you familiar with Chris? He very notably spoke out against everything covid related literally from the get-go in 2020.
I’ll try to find his video that went viral.
As for who I trust? Realistically we can’t put our complete trust in anyone but God. But we have to assess the information, and the messengers delivering the information, as best we can with the tools we have.
WARNING THIS COULD BE A HONEYPOT. Jan 6th was a great idea too. Do you actually trust this guy?
Are you familiar with Chris? He very notably spoke out against everything covid related literally from the get-go in 2020.
I’ll try to find his video that went viral.
As for who I trust? Realistically we can’t put our complete trust in anyone but God. But we have to assess the information, and the messengers delivering the information, as best we can with the tools we have.
Found the video