I almost didn't watch the complete video because at the beginning he doesn't make it 30 seconds before getting two things wrong. He said "on the 4th ruffle of Hail to the Chief". No. There is "Ruffles and Flourishes" which is what he was trying to say, and there is "Hail to the Chief" - which is only played for Presidents (and NOT ex-presidents). There are easy-to-find charts out there along with Army manuals (since we're dealing with the Army in this case) that talk about just how many ruffles and flourishes each dignitary gets. Think about it - nobody but a sitting President gets Hail to the Chief but dozens get a certain amount of ruffles and flourishes. Know who else gets them? Kevin McCarthy, Butt-edge-edge, and other cabinet members. In fact they get the same number (4) as POTUS. And before someone says this - no the VP doesn't get Hail to the Chief. They get Hail Columbia.
The other thing he got wrong was talking about starting the canon fire on the 4th ruffle/flourish. It is in the regulations that the canon fire starts on the first note of the dignitary song - H2TC/Nat Anthem/etc. Not the 4th ruffle/flourish. Actually it would be somewhat disrespectful to start firing before the dignitary song because the ruffles/flourishes are designed to honor based on position/rank and they would be hiding part of that honor. The honoree could be mistaken for someone like an ambassador on leave, a minister, or a 3-star. Caveat - unless they did it on purpose.
The rest of his stuff in this video was pretty good, and I'm glad I watched. I just wish people would double-check stuff before making videos.
I do want to point out for the anons that think it was strange for Trump to get the treatment he did, and to fly AF1 - he was still president until noon. Of course he would get that. That's also why the left (and frankly the military) freaked out about the football. They never needed 2 before, and since he was still POTUS he absolutely had to have the football. I'm not even sure that they had 2 until that day. They couldn't simply wait until noon to pack it up and fly it from FL back to DC either (legally).
As for the uniform stuff he was talking about - it's hard to tell. I haven't gone back to look at any of that, but in DC with all the honor guards, official ceremonial bands and choirs, etc. it is "different". Think about the fife and drum corps. They wear their ceremonial gear. Maybe that is what he saw. Who knows - maybe some of the military did disrespect the putz but unless their officers were onboard it would not end well for them.
I'm not knocking this guy, but this is more of a reminder that anyone can say anything but it is up to us to "buy it" or not depending on the info they provide.
This cautious criticism reminds me of Jon Herold's thought out response to this same information from Derek Johnson.
I'm no military law or document expert, but anyone who witnessed the temperament and intensity of Johnson's response will always associatie it with him.
Right or wrong, the man does not analyse critiques calmly or at all.
I almost didn't watch the complete video because at the beginning he doesn't make it 30 seconds before getting two things wrong. He said "on the 4th ruffle of Hail to the Chief". No. There is "Ruffles and Flourishes" which is what he was trying to say, and there is "Hail to the Chief" - which is only played for Presidents (and NOT ex-presidents). There are easy-to-find charts out there along with Army manuals (since we're dealing with the Army in this case) that talk about just how many ruffles and flourishes each dignitary gets. Think about it - nobody but a sitting President gets Hail to the Chief but dozens get a certain amount of ruffles and flourishes. Know who else gets them? Kevin McCarthy, Butt-edge-edge, and other cabinet members. In fact they get the same number (4) as POTUS. And before someone says this - no the VP doesn't get Hail to the Chief. They get Hail Columbia.
The other thing he got wrong was talking about starting the canon fire on the 4th ruffle/flourish. It is in the regulations that the canon fire starts on the first note of the dignitary song - H2TC/Nat Anthem/etc. Not the 4th ruffle/flourish. Actually it would be somewhat disrespectful to start firing before the dignitary song because the ruffles/flourishes are designed to honor based on position/rank and they would be hiding part of that honor. The honoree could be mistaken for someone like an ambassador on leave, a minister, or a 3-star. Caveat - unless they did it on purpose.
The rest of his stuff in this video was pretty good, and I'm glad I watched. I just wish people would double-check stuff before making videos.
I do want to point out for the anons that think it was strange for Trump to get the treatment he did, and to fly AF1 - he was still president until noon. Of course he would get that. That's also why the left (and frankly the military) freaked out about the football. They never needed 2 before, and since he was still POTUS he absolutely had to have the football. I'm not even sure that they had 2 until that day. They couldn't simply wait until noon to pack it up and fly it from FL back to DC either (legally).
As for the uniform stuff he was talking about - it's hard to tell. I haven't gone back to look at any of that, but in DC with all the honor guards, official ceremonial bands and choirs, etc. it is "different". Think about the fife and drum corps. They wear their ceremonial gear. Maybe that is what he saw. Who knows - maybe some of the military did disrespect the putz but unless their officers were onboard it would not end well for them.
I'm not knocking this guy, but this is more of a reminder that anyone can say anything but it is up to us to "buy it" or not depending on the info they provide.
This cautious criticism reminds me of Jon Herold's thought out response to this same information from Derek Johnson.
I'm no military law or document expert, but anyone who witnessed the temperament and intensity of Johnson's response will always associatie it with him.
Right or wrong, the man does not analyse critiques calmly or at all.