Sue the bastards!!! West Nipissing, Ontario, Canada Town Councillor Apologizes for Mandates. They ADMIT!!!
Councillor Anne Tessier publicly apologizes for the "punitive policy" and acknowledges that the town knew beforehand that the vax "doesn't stop the spread of the virus."
🏡 Local WIN 🏘️
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These same weak demons may have the opportunity to be in positions of power to some degree. Apologies are fine, good for the soul, but restitution is vital. If accountability is treason or crimes against humanity, are we going start drawing lines? It's nothing short of horrific what they've done and there will be a lot more destruction of life and property to come. These people are godless. They can find God in prison. Many do.
I don't disagree but it is more important to get the very top rats. Arrest them & tell them the penalty for treason is death but then, lighten it from there if they rat on who they took orders from. That's what rats do best, anyways. (never let them hold any positions again, of course & maybe make their 'amnesty' just mean they are in a nicer jail)
Why do the top rats always walk? I learned in school that after WWII Hitler went off & committed suicide but they never found the body. I believed that all these years until recently. That is obviously a made up story we all believed. He escaped. Why do the top rats always escape? Prescott Bush, the father & grandfather of two of the most diabolic presidents tried to take over the USA & Smedley Butler reported it to Roosevelt who stopped it but Bush was barely punished for it - in fact still served as a house rep!
We need to get these top rats & giving their minions a nicer prison is a small price to pay for that
I am not in disagreement with you. The top filth MUST be severely dealt with. It's these weak demons who implement wrongdoing from above. If they saw that there are, indeed, harsh consequences for brutalizing those they think are under them, I think many would rethink their evil choices. Remember, any evil can come from the feds but WHO implements that evil? It's all at the local level.
A truly educated people will take back their towns, villages, cities, etc. and tell the feds to fuck off. Committees of Safety, constitutional sheriffs, constitutional county committeeman (men), take back our common law grand and petit juries. THOSE actions will give us back our rightful power to properly oversee our public servants and indict or recall them when and if needed.