What a time to be alive.
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Those stupid arrows! LMAO The dirty looks I got!
I guess I've always been a rebel. Case in point, I cut through IKEA's forced arrow-led shopping path years before covid.
I think most here are rebels!
Twas amazing great sport!! And it annoyed my wife for extra credit.
Yeah, my wife is a rule follower too.
Wasn’t necessarily that. I tend to push the envelope.
I had an old guy start screaming at me because I was stopped looking at butter with my cart facing the wrong direction. Yeah, I went off on him right back and went and made a giant scene with the manager and made the manager see where he was and I was shouting loudly about they can't have customers yelling at innocent customers minding their own business. Glad my son wasn't with me because wow, that guy wouldn't have been feeling unsafe because of an imaginary germ crossing the aisle, but because of a 6 ft tall ripped dude crossing the aisle instead...