That all sounds nice but you seem to be ignoring the problem of the Talmud. This is a Jewish holy book in which they give themselves permission to have sex with (i.e., rape) the children of non-Jews. So in Jewish morality, if a Jew rapes a Jewish child, that is a forbidden sin, but if a Jew rapes a non-Jewish child, it is permitted and “no worse than a poke in the eye”.
How many of the children being raped on Epstein island were Jewish?
If the Asians or the Blacks or the Natives were giving themselves permission to rape children outside their race, it would also be a problem. But they aren’t. This is a Jewish problem and can only be solved by identifying it as a Jewish problem. Jewish People have to be made to understood that they do NOT have permission to rape children.
That is a fair discussion to have & should absolutely be had with those who align with that faith.
That said, I maintain that there are claims & traditions made even in various Christian religions (my own included) that I have consistently pushed back against (blind obedience has been a problem in the culture I am involved with). Ultimately there are many in those groups that do not agree with the evil that is committed & would push back against it.
I have a buddy of mine who is Jewish by birth, converted to Christianity & has invited me to go speak with a local Jewish group when I would like about similarities & differences between beliefs.
Where can I find that passage in the Talmud so I can ask average wotking individuals about it?
That all sounds nice but you seem to be ignoring the problem of the Talmud. This is a Jewish holy book in which they give themselves permission to have sex with (i.e., rape) the children of non-Jews. So in Jewish morality, if a Jew rapes a Jewish child, that is a forbidden sin, but if a Jew rapes a non-Jewish child, it is permitted and “no worse than a poke in the eye”.
How many of the children being raped on Epstein island were Jewish?
If the Asians or the Blacks or the Natives were giving themselves permission to rape children outside their race, it would also be a problem. But they aren’t. This is a Jewish problem and can only be solved by identifying it as a Jewish problem. Jewish People have to be made to understood that they do NOT have permission to rape children.
That is a fair discussion to have & should absolutely be had with those who align with that faith.
That said, I maintain that there are claims & traditions made even in various Christian religions (my own included) that I have consistently pushed back against (blind obedience has been a problem in the culture I am involved with). Ultimately there are many in those groups that do not agree with the evil that is committed & would push back against it.
I have a buddy of mine who is Jewish by birth, converted to Christianity & has invited me to go speak with a local Jewish group when I would like about similarities & differences between beliefs.
Where can I find that passage in the Talmud so I can ask average wotking individuals about it?