I have commented on TGP through disqus for years. At one point TGP left disqus. The comments died. They went back. Recently the software had some kind of "upgrade".
Since then my comments seem to be shadow banned. Some top commenters seem to be gone.
My theory is TGP sold out when they switched from disqus. They lost so badly, they went back to disqus.
Them they changed things on the down low with disqus. Now they moderate and shadow ban comments and commenters in secrecy.
I believe this to be true.
What do you think?
I got permanently banned from TGP for saying "muh gay black vagina" ..referring to the press sec. There was no warning..no nothing. So screw TGP.
It's been weird there for a bit. I'm running out of news sources.
YES. I used to be a big TGWP reader and commenter. Back about 5 years ago they started removing my likes and literally took me from 10,000 likes down to 1,600 overnight. This happened more than once.
And then, they revealed that they were surveilling my comments as I was typing them in real time!
Let me explain. Several times when I was trying to put together a comment on an article (usually late at night) and would be in the middle of revising a sentence, a pop up box would show up in the middle of my screen that said, "Are you sure you want to say that?" which was disturbing to say the least. Nothing I was typing was against the rules or contained prohibited words.
I did send the admins a couple of messages asking for an explanation, and they never responded.
If I persisted in typing and posting the words that I wanted, it would fail to post or simply disappear after successfully posting, leaving no record of it! This began happening a lot.
So, 'They' can clearly see what you are typing, as you type it, before you've saved/published it.
This continued to happening when I was trying to share important medical data during COVID. My fully researched data - the good stuff - would be deleted immediately nearly as quickly as I could post it.
So, I said, Nope. I'm done. And came over here and been quite happy.
wow that is crazy.
They can be really sensitive about ad revenue. I guess there are people out there that have never installed uBlockOrigin.
What is this?
https://ublockorigin.com/ uBlock Origin - Free, open-source ad content blocker.
For Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera
My point is that these websites depend on ad revenue. If they don't strongly moderate and trample free speech, their ad revenue can be cut.
I used to post on a now defunct Trump centric message board that used disqus and it was a constant issue with post getting censored or deleted. I always liked disqus for the real time aspect, especially when something is happening live (like an election).