Remember the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz? While we see Soros & Schwab, how many, like this guy and his successor, are people we don’t see? I’m seeing this story for the first time and I’ve been involved since Q started in ‘17.
Seems like the head of the globalists already know that South America is set to become a powerhouse and they're setting their tentacles in there as it happens.
“ Although in the first 30 years of the existence of the Society of Jesus there were many Jesuits who were conversos (Catholic-convert Jews), an anti-converso faction led to the Decree de genere (1593) which proclaimed that either Jewish or Muslim ancestry, no matter how distant, was an insurmountable impediment for admission to the Society of Jesus.[167] This new rule was contrary to the original wishes of Ignatius who "said that he would take it as a special grace from our Lord to come from Jewish lineage".[168] The 16th-century Decree de genere was repealed in 1946.[b]”
Remember the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz? While we see Soros & Schwab, how many, like this guy and his successor, are people we don’t see? I’m seeing this story for the first time and I’ve been involved since Q started in ‘17.
...Satan hates the light....
It says here he ded 2020 (what an interesting year to die)ás?lang=en
Who is the next black pope?
No not that one. How about the current Superior General of the Society of Jesus?
Arturo Sosa
Sounds a lot like a pope I know.
Seems like the head of the globalists already know that South America is set to become a powerhouse and they're setting their tentacles in there as it happens.
....who ever is in charge of the Jesuits....
They've been setting up shop there since WWII ended and they helped the Nazi's flee to Argentina.
“ Although in the first 30 years of the existence of the Society of Jesus there were many Jesuits who were conversos (Catholic-convert Jews), an anti-converso faction led to the Decree de genere (1593) which proclaimed that either Jewish or Muslim ancestry, no matter how distant, was an insurmountable impediment for admission to the Society of Jesus.[167] This new rule was contrary to the original wishes of Ignatius who "said that he would take it as a special grace from our Lord to come from Jewish lineage".[168] The 16th-century Decree de genere was repealed in 1946.[b]”