The French revolution is not something we want to emulate or look up to. It was predominantly anti-God and the people that lead it were blood-thirsty psychopaths who loved killing. They ended up having to kill a lot of these leaders in the end because they were afraid they would start turning on them (the revolutionaries). And in the end, France actually ended up having several Kings even after the revolution, so it didn't immediately bring about a republic or democracy as people might think. It was, just like a lot of revolutions, a blood bath more than anything else. It would later be out-done by the Communist revolution in Russia, but not by as much as people think.
Bastille itself is a joke. 0 political prisoners were released from that castle. There were only 7 prisoners there in total, 2 of which were brought there by their families because they were insane and the families could no longer take care of them. It was guarded by the worst soldiers in the army as there was no conceivable reason for anyone to bother invading it. It is insane to think that this is what the French celebrate as their so-called independence day. Here are some references:
The seven prisoners in in residence that day were: four forgers, the Comte de Solanges (inside for ‘a sexual misdemeanour’) and two lunatics (one of them was an English or Irish man named Major Whyte who sported a waist-length beard and thought he was Julius Caesar).
The prison guard were a contingent of invalides – soldiers invalided out of regular service – and conditions were fairly comfortable for most inmates, with relaxed visiting hours and furnished lodgings.
Yea history! The Terror now...dear God. There is a square in Paris that was so soaked in blood that you could no longer drive the cattle through because they would smell the blood and freak out. This was still the case in 1939.
OKAY EVERYONE...Do NOT get discouraged...the REASON this was done with the TAPES is to get a REACTION...WHICH IT DID.
Yes, the 6 Jan Prisoners were RETALIATED AGAINST but this is NO DIFFERENT than what the Prisoners of the North Vietnamese did in Vietnam...
This is SHOWING THE ENTIRE WORLD just what lengths these assholes will go to.
I do believe that something BIGGER than this is about to happen. The tapes being released are pushing the ALL the buttons and these assholes are lashing out to anyone who represents the core strengths of OUR NATION...
Update from Derrick: > Received word that everything in the DC Gulag is back to normal. Now it’s just back to the basic infringement of human rights and the lack of due process which has been taking place for the last 2 years.
Can someone remind which politicians have actually gone to the Gulag to try to speak to the J6ers? I vaguely recall over a year ago, 2-3 politicians that tried to knock their way in to the Gulag to check on prisoner welfare and ask questions/demand answers, or demand some sort of legal protection. Can't remember who it was tho I'm thinking Gaetz may have been one of them...
The French revolution started with a mob storming the Bastille to free political prisoners held there.
The French revolution is not something we want to emulate or look up to. It was predominantly anti-God and the people that lead it were blood-thirsty psychopaths who loved killing. They ended up having to kill a lot of these leaders in the end because they were afraid they would start turning on them (the revolutionaries). And in the end, France actually ended up having several Kings even after the revolution, so it didn't immediately bring about a republic or democracy as people might think. It was, just like a lot of revolutions, a blood bath more than anything else. It would later be out-done by the Communist revolution in Russia, but not by as much as people think.
Bastille itself is a joke. 0 political prisoners were released from that castle. There were only 7 prisoners there in total, 2 of which were brought there by their families because they were insane and the families could no longer take care of them. It was guarded by the worst soldiers in the army as there was no conceivable reason for anyone to bother invading it. It is insane to think that this is what the French celebrate as their so-called independence day. Here are some references:
Also, the prisoners in that castle at the time had it way better than the current J6 prisoners per the above qoute.
Yea history! The Terror now...dear God. There is a square in Paris that was so soaked in blood that you could no longer drive the cattle through because they would smell the blood and freak out. This was still the case in 1939.
OKAY EVERYONE...Do NOT get discouraged...the REASON this was done with the TAPES is to get a REACTION...WHICH IT DID.
Yes, the 6 Jan Prisoners were RETALIATED AGAINST but this is NO DIFFERENT than what the Prisoners of the North Vietnamese did in Vietnam...
This is SHOWING THE ENTIRE WORLD just what lengths these assholes will go to.
I do believe that something BIGGER than this is about to happen. The tapes being released are pushing the ALL the buttons and these assholes are lashing out to anyone who represents the core strengths of OUR NATION...
The J6 Committee, the DC gulag warden, and all the gulag cops need to be sent to gitmo.
Doesn't stuff like this make you speculate there might be even more stuff within those videos that they don't want us to know?
The videos caused a knee-jerk...
Now why would they do that?
What will they do to them if the tapes are released in full to the public? These people are hostages.
Update from Derrick: > Received word that everything in the DC Gulag is back to normal. Now it’s just back to the basic infringement of human rights and the lack of due process which has been taking place for the last 2 years.
Next time more Tyan 400,000 will show up. Mark my words.
Whitehat pawns, used to wake people up, sacrificing the lives of these innocents. Damn shame
Can someone remind which politicians have actually gone to the Gulag to try to speak to the J6ers? I vaguely recall over a year ago, 2-3 politicians that tried to knock their way in to the Gulag to check on prisoner welfare and ask questions/demand answers, or demand some sort of legal protection. Can't remember who it was tho I'm thinking Gaetz may have been one of them...
MTG, Gaetz and Gohmert were the ones I remember.
thx !