Quite right. I like Dr. McCollough as a brilliant and honest medical doctor. In saying this, He is more 'excusable' in this arena because he is a medical doctor...... Yet, Dr. Malone.....ehh, I don't trust him for 'some' reason. For Dr. Mikovits, I'm convinced she suffers from PTSD and is a bit daffy. I watched Dr. Kaufman ask her some questions and it was very visible her PTSD was showing.
Absolutely. McCullough ins't qualified as are Malone and Mikovits.
But here's the kicker. I believe that both of them firmly BELIEVE their training and education...errr... brainwashing. I'm quite sure Judy does anyway. I've seen her on two occasions get cornered by Dr, Kaufman during webinars. Both were hard to watch. She simply couldn't answer his simple and direct questions in the least, reverting to 3+ minute jargon-filled, non-sensical ramblings. When Dr. Kaufman would point out the flaws in her ramblings, she would just repeat herself with more techno-babble nonsense. But I don't think she was trying to be deliberately deceptive. I genuinely think she believes she has worked with boogeymen-viruses and her psyche simply won't allow her to even entertain the possibility that she might have been deceived.
"It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled".. eh?
As to Dr. Malone, I've only seen him questioned on the topic once in the presence of the nodding Dr. McCullough. He gave the classic 1-minute "wave-of-the-hand" blanket dismissal that I've seen others do as I mentioned in the missive. "Well of course boogeymen-viruses are real, myself and thousands of other virologists have been working with them for decades...this "no virus" argument is a controlled opposition attempt to divide the truther community'''...blah blah blah. And of course, now millions of people just turn around and parrot what he said. Highly effective stuff.
He too may very well believe he and his colleagues have "worked with viruses". It's hard to say.
As to all three, I fully appreciate their coming out and opposing the dominant Covid nonsense, so I applaud them for that. But none have made an effort to counter the points made by the "no viruses camp" assertions. And to me, that says it all. Because if I was a virologist, I'd want to put these assertions to rest as soon as I possibly could. If for no other reason, to assure the world that fear of the boogeyman-virus is a valid concern.
But nope, we're coming up on 3-years now without a single attempt. And frankly, you could call it 8 years now since Dr. Lanka won the measles appeal case. And 20 years since Dr. Lanka first came out asserting boogeymen-viruses don't exist. And more like 30-years since the Perth Group pointed out that nobody had found any HIV boogeyman-virus, and implied in their assertions was that they couldn't find any papers of any kind that truly isolated a boogeyman-virus.
So 30-years running in reality and 3 years that have gone "viral" shall we say, with the mass truther community. All without a single, direct rebuttal to the very simple assertions.
That's game over in my book. And of course, the health modality I ascribe to, figured out by a giant of a genius I might add, asserted for the last 15-years of his life that there was no proof of the boogeyman-virus. But if there were, like bacteria, they would perform a restorative/repair role in our body, not a destructive, contagious dis-ease causing role as has been blamed on all these so-called "germs" (bacteria and fungi).
When you can see that all institutional models prevailing today are in the business of selling us "fear", above all else, you realize the essence of all the deception. They want us scared so we give our power away to them -> blind trust in authority is their ultimate goal.
"Dr. Lanka won the measles appeal case...."
Do you have this info. I watched Dr; Lanka some time ago on some video.
Also, you said:
"That's game over in my book. And of course, the health modality I ascribe to, figured out by a giant of a genius I might add, asserted for the last 15-years of his life that there was no proof of the boogeyman-virus."
Who is the individual you are referencing... Dr. Robert Young? other?
BTW, looked for this video on Sam Bailey's channel last night and couldn't find it. It appears she deleted it for some reason. Perhaps Dr. Lanka asked her to take it down for some reason.
Anyway, somebody copied it and uploaded it here on Bitchute. Here's the explanation on the measles appeal:
Also, ignore the last part of this video about Vitamin A and various skin rashes. The Baileys are still on the "terrain theory" train which is entirely unproven. Dr. Hamer has things right, I'm quite sure of it now.
Dr. Lanka was friends with the man who figured out the cause and cure of all dis-ease, both physical and mental/psychological. A giant of a genius -> Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. You can learn more about him and his system, GNM/GHk here -> https://learninggnm.com/home.html
Quite right. I like Dr. McCollough as a brilliant and honest medical doctor. In saying this, He is more 'excusable' in this arena because he is a medical doctor...... Yet, Dr. Malone.....ehh, I don't trust him for 'some' reason. For Dr. Mikovits, I'm convinced she suffers from PTSD and is a bit daffy. I watched Dr. Kaufman ask her some questions and it was very visible her PTSD was showing.
Absolutely. McCullough ins't qualified as are Malone and Mikovits.
But here's the kicker. I believe that both of them firmly BELIEVE their training and education...errr... brainwashing. I'm quite sure Judy does anyway. I've seen her on two occasions get cornered by Dr, Kaufman during webinars. Both were hard to watch. She simply couldn't answer his simple and direct questions in the least, reverting to 3+ minute jargon-filled, non-sensical ramblings. When Dr. Kaufman would point out the flaws in her ramblings, she would just repeat herself with more techno-babble nonsense. But I don't think she was trying to be deliberately deceptive. I genuinely think she believes she has worked with boogeymen-viruses and her psyche simply won't allow her to even entertain the possibility that she might have been deceived.
"It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled".. eh?
As to Dr. Malone, I've only seen him questioned on the topic once in the presence of the nodding Dr. McCullough. He gave the classic 1-minute "wave-of-the-hand" blanket dismissal that I've seen others do as I mentioned in the missive. "Well of course boogeymen-viruses are real, myself and thousands of other virologists have been working with them for decades...this "no virus" argument is a controlled opposition attempt to divide the truther community'''...blah blah blah. And of course, now millions of people just turn around and parrot what he said. Highly effective stuff.
He too may very well believe he and his colleagues have "worked with viruses". It's hard to say.
As to all three, I fully appreciate their coming out and opposing the dominant Covid nonsense, so I applaud them for that. But none have made an effort to counter the points made by the "no viruses camp" assertions. And to me, that says it all. Because if I was a virologist, I'd want to put these assertions to rest as soon as I possibly could. If for no other reason, to assure the world that fear of the boogeyman-virus is a valid concern.
But nope, we're coming up on 3-years now without a single attempt. And frankly, you could call it 8 years now since Dr. Lanka won the measles appeal case. And 20 years since Dr. Lanka first came out asserting boogeymen-viruses don't exist. And more like 30-years since the Perth Group pointed out that nobody had found any HIV boogeyman-virus, and implied in their assertions was that they couldn't find any papers of any kind that truly isolated a boogeyman-virus.
So 30-years running in reality and 3 years that have gone "viral" shall we say, with the mass truther community. All without a single, direct rebuttal to the very simple assertions.
That's game over in my book. And of course, the health modality I ascribe to, figured out by a giant of a genius I might add, asserted for the last 15-years of his life that there was no proof of the boogeyman-virus. But if there were, like bacteria, they would perform a restorative/repair role in our body, not a destructive, contagious dis-ease causing role as has been blamed on all these so-called "germs" (bacteria and fungi).
When you can see that all institutional models prevailing today are in the business of selling us "fear", above all else, you realize the essence of all the deception. They want us scared so we give our power away to them -> blind trust in authority is their ultimate goal.
Also, you said:
Who is the individual you are referencing... Dr. Robert Young? other?
BTW, looked for this video on Sam Bailey's channel last night and couldn't find it. It appears she deleted it for some reason. Perhaps Dr. Lanka asked her to take it down for some reason.
Anyway, somebody copied it and uploaded it here on Bitchute. Here's the explanation on the measles appeal:
Also, ignore the last part of this video about Vitamin A and various skin rashes. The Baileys are still on the "terrain theory" train which is entirely unproven. Dr. Hamer has things right, I'm quite sure of it now.
Dr. Lanka was friends with the man who figured out the cause and cure of all dis-ease, both physical and mental/psychological. A giant of a genius -> Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. You can learn more about him and his system, GNM/GHk here -> https://learninggnm.com/home.html