Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew.Clapper knew.Schiff knew.FBI knew.DOJ knew. CIA knew.State knew. They all knew Trump was innocent but they smeared and spied on him. Worse than Watergate. Trump is a crime victim!
💥Judicial Watch BOOMS! 💥
Watergate should be a forgotten memory by now in terms of scandal.
Democrats have given us dozens of Mt. Everests' worth of scandal, stacked atop each other, reaching into outer space.
Deliberately weaponizing a virus to make it more contagious so as to cause a plandemic, create worldwide panic, force deadly injections of poison into billions of human beings including babies and children, openly steal elections and impeach the duly elected president make Watergate look like a walk in the park. Nixon was framed anyway, he was great.
IT is NOT ONLY the Democrats BUT BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE...There are some on both sides that need to be brought in BUT ALL WHO HAD A HAND IN GETTING THE FAKE ELECTION PASSED COMMITTED TREASON...AND it doesn't matter which side one was on!!!
We are NOW fighting for OUR REPUBLIC not a DAMN DEMOCRACY!!!