112 You are watching a movie. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by catsfive 2 years ago by catsfive +112 / -0 23 comments download share 23 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This is an insult to all women
An insult to the human race.
God doesn’t make mistakes and will not be mocked!
I can't figure out why women everywhere aren't shouting from the rooftops against this tranny shit. They literally have men that are taking awards, accomplishments, and opportunities of all kinds away from them...where is the outcry against this?
Some are. And of course men are jumping on them "you created this yourself" 🤦 or trannies claiming "it's our right" b.s
They keep telling me we're watching a movie. Must be sadistic porn. Never saw anything like this on the Waltons!
Yeah, we're watching a movie alright....and a very bad one at that. "Plan 9 From Outer Space" was a better movie than this shitshow.
Nobody would write this crap
Look at the person in uniform at the left. What does the facial expression tell you?
Bell's palsy.
Mental illness is a REAL thing! Come to Portland, Oregon and see for yourself.
The international big Mike award
Who is the woman on the far left, sitting, clapping with bell's palsy? Looks like someone got one too many jabs.😬
My popcorn is stale and I drank all my coke. This movie is the worst.
We are watching a shit show to be more precise !
Babylon Bee is on it! : https://greatawakening.win/p/16aTQZwMUw/babylon-bee-biden-gives-black-am/c/
Tim Robbins looks so creepy in this photo
liberal insanity = Idiocracy.
Looks like he forgot to shave.
I guess the courage award goes to the person with balls.
Mental Illness: Gender Dysphoria. Also, fraud, in the case of the swimmer.