In light of the January 6th Tucker video releases, I figure that we should teach some history to new frens.
I am convinced at this point that the message in this video or any variant of "This is Dangerous to Democracy" means "This is dangerous to our control of democracy (government)"
I am sure Anons know this, though many new frens may need to have it pointed out.
Where did they learn civics? The last time I was taught anything about civics in public school was 3rd or 4th grade. I was forced to learn about social studies instead. This switch in curriculum made it much easier for them to take over a populace who had never learned about their rights.
I had to have Civics, because my teachers had Civics, and because none of our School Books were up to date in 1973 - 76, 3rd to 6th grades, but, Cowboy Community, which means you'd get your ass whooped by the teachers first, then by Mom, then by Dad, for almost any reasoned infraction....
So I went through hell for a long time....
No homework....
Wrong homework....
late Early Homework....
late got bitten by a dog, wrong homework....
I just kept reading the Dictionary, and now I know that most of my teachers were not only wrong, but stupid and actually not correctly educated....
Fair enough. I grew up in a rural deep red county. Learned civics in grade school during the 80s, but by the time we hit 6th grade they had moved us all into Social Studies.