posted ago by Tewdryg ago by Tewdryg +23 / -1

The prerequisite of faith is cognition (i.e. logic, reasoning and the process of knowing) and conation (i.e. desire, striving, volition; the Will). The aftermath of this is often the sentiment of emotion. So faith is based on a cognitive precept and our Creator has clearly revealed this to us.

“Because the thing known of God is clearly known in them, for God revealed it to them. For the unseen things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things made, both his eternal power and Divine Nature, for them to be without excuse.” - Romans 1:19-20.

In recognizing what blaspheming the holy Spirit is, one should seek what this actually means. The information below is rather long and involved, but I promise you it will provide an insight to what 'blaspheming the holy Spirit' means. The answer might be surprising in that it can be provided through etymology and its transliteration. In fact, understanding what the holy Spirit is key to understanding what Jesus is referring to when he performed His miracles. The miracle Jesus performed was through the holy Spirit. Recognizing what the holy Spirit is key to understanding the miracle.

One is always surprised by what one finds by 'digging' and 'turning over stones'. If we examine the translated meaning of 'holy Spirit', we find some very good insights to the holy Spirit. So, I'll start with Strong's Concordance. The word 'holy' means 'separated' or 'set apart'. The ancient manuscripts of the Bible used only the word 'Spirit', but it was understood to mean the 'Spirit that was 'set apart' or 'separated'' as opposed to general word 'spirit'.

Strong's Concordance gives us G4151 for 'Spirit' and is the Greek word 'pneuma' from which for example the English words pneumatic and pneumonia are derived. The word 'Spirit' became a common English translation of the word due to the influence of the Latin in the use of the word 'spiritus'. This Latin word is also a derivation of such English words as 'sprite', which means ’ghost'. Hence, the word 'spirit' too came to carry the meaning of 'ghost’. Both words originate from translation from the Greek word ’pneuma' and is defined through the lexicons, but most agree with the meaning of an intelligent, incorporeal being or an intelligent mentality.

As I mentioned above, the word - 'Spirit' as in 'holy Spirit' is defined in the bible via Strong's, Thayers, and Liddel-Scott-Jones from the Greek and translated as 'pneuma' (G4151), which is defined as -- “a movement of air; a gentle blast (a) of the wind, hence the wind itself (b) breath of nostrils or mouth.” A closely related word - 'psuche' (G5590) is defined in Strong’s Concordance as the following:

(1) breath (a) the breath of life (i) the vital force which animates the body and shows itself in breathing of animals (ii) of men (b) life, (c) that in which there is life (i) a living being, a living soul. (2) the soul (a) the seat of the feelings, desires, affections, aversions (our heart, soul etc.) (b) the (human) soul in so far as it is constituted that by the right use of the aids offered it by God it can attain its highest end and secure eternal blessedness, the soul regarded as a moral being designed for everlasting life (c) the soul as an essence which differs from the body and is not dissolved by death (distinguished from other parts of the body). The word 'psuche' (G5590) is derived from 'psucho' (G5594), which means “to breathe, blow, cool by blowing.” Note, the same concept is found with the word “spirit,” or in Greek -'pneuma' (G4151), which is “a movement of air; a gentle blast (a) of the wind, hence the wind itself (b) breath of nostrils or mouth.”

'Pneuma' is derived from the Greek root word 'pneo' meaning -- “blow,” “wind.” The same relationship is found with 'aer' (G109), which is derived from 'aemi' - to breathe unconsciously, i.e. respire; by analogy, to blow. One can get an understanding of how the word “spirit” -- (pneuma), “air” – (aer), and (psuche).

So, 'Spirit', as in holy Spirit or [holy] Spirit is better understood.

There is incontrovertible evidence and proof there is a Divine Order in all that we see, smell, hear, and touch. If you examine closely any living thing in Nature, like a flower and its disk florets, or a conch shell or horn, the pattern of toroidal spirals are everywhere. Seeing this brings comfort and reassurance to know that all life follows the same exact Divine Order provided by God. I could provide much more information in this area, but I'll refrain for now. We only need to observe Nature and it's immutable Order to realize the existence of God (Romans 1:19-20).

The Italian theologian, Thomas Aquinas, recognized the Natural Law as – "nothing else than the rational creature's participation in the Eternal Law."

The question that comes to mind is -- "Are we being rational creatures participating in the Eternal Law when it comes to defiling our immune system by participating in a massive mRNA gene experiment?

Eternal law is defined as those laws governing the eternal universe. As Dimock phrased it, one can -- "think of eternal law as comprising all those scientific 'laws' (physical, chemical, biological, psychological, etc.) by which the universe is ordered." Indeed, the Law of Nature is subject to the Eternal Law, but this doesn’t tell us what the Law of Nature is. As Aquinas noted:

“The natural law is a participation of the eternal law … and therefore endures without change, owing to the unchangeableness and perfection of the Divine Reason, the Author of nature. But the reason of man is changeable and imperfect: wherefore his law [human law] is subject to change.”

“[E]very human law has just so much of the nature of law as is derived from the law of nature. But if in any point it deflects from the law of nature, it is no longer a law but a perversion of law".

Surprisingly, very little is found for a detailed cataloging of Nature’s Laws. Emphasis tends to convey man’s moral law as it is related to nature. Yet, we know from the early Greeks their philosophy was greatly premised on Nature’s Laws and to them it was self-evident; a manifestation that all is understood. Alas, this is not so in the modern era. Instead, the axiomatic truth has been abandoned for our preoccupation with wealth and our own self-centeredness. Poetic visionaries as Percy Bysshe Shelly recognized:

"The man Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys: Power, like a desolating pestilence, Pollutes whate'er it touches, and obedience, Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth, Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame, A mechanized automaton"

The Law of Nature is the law of all Life in its specific forms. Nature's Law addresses conception, infancy, adolescence, adulthood, mating, parenting, self-defense, migration, aging, to death. This rai·son d'ê·tre for survival (self-preservation) is instinctual for all life forms, but not necessarily for humans. For us, it is something else; ... it's something more.... It is based on our ability to recognize, and to acknowledge it is our Creator that has provided all of this to us. The opportunity is now for us all to recognize this. Our self-preservation depends on us recognizing the Creator as the author of our existence. Despite what some advocates state, we don't have the animal instinct to survive. Its [über]-understanding is critical for our continued existence and should always be respected and upheld. Nature's Laws provide us the guide for survival - those principles of the 'living breath' or 'pneuma' that govern all life forms, including mankind himself. In the Bible, the English translation is -- holy Spirit. There is a reason for me using the Greek translation, which I provided above. The original Greek translation provides great insight to understanding what is meant by the holy Spirit.

The Law of Nature is subservient to the Eternal Law. And understanding it, and living in accordance to it unlocks our ability to accept God's Divine Order for performing the very miracles that Jesus performed. Understanding this brings comfort and reassurance to know that all life follows the same exact Divine Order provided by God. The holy Spirit is the keeper of all of this. And when we are filled with the holy Spirit, our minds are tuned to the Eternal Law. We are shown through the lens and become 'aware' of it and 'miracles' result.

We only need to observe Nature and it's immutable Order to realize the existence of the holy Spirit. The holy Spirit has been there as a guiding Spirit all along.

Are we being rational creatures participating in the Eternal Law when it comes to this mass mRNA gene experiment? Have those people, who elected to be injected with the genetically modified mRNA, committed an undoable act that is repugnant to the holy Spirit? Isn't this an insult to the Mentality of Separation (holy Spirit)? Blaspheming the holy Spirit is an act that cannot be undone. It is an act that has irreparably violated the Divine Order and the Laws of Nature. It is not only an aberration but an abomination against the holy Spirit's creation.