Not trying to make a tread for specific financial advice as much as I'm am curious about what people are doing or considering doing with their current investments.
I for one am thinking about cashing out a 401k I have. I'm not currently contributing because I'm between careers as a result of moving my family out of the pits of hell (westtern WA Seattle area). As part of the move we faired very well taking advantage of the inflated housing market and are debt free so we can hold over while I find a new career.
Since the Friday banking fiasco, I have already lost 4k in my 401k! 3 friggin' days! Instead of watching my investment tank, I'd rather take the early withdrawal hit and hold cash and a fair amount of bullion.
I'm just a normal working man and really don't know much about investments. To me it seems right now it would be wiser to hold your assets in something tangible rather than watch my "money" on a computer screen rapidly disintegrate.