posted ago by DemonDMT ago by DemonDMT +24 / -0

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. -FDR

The only weapon TPTB (Ruling-Class Elite) have now is fear. They used terror by bringing down the World Trade Center towers to get into the largest war in the middle east that did key things: depopulating (murdering) 1 Million Iraqis, injecting wealth into the Military Industrial Complex, installing CIA puppets in various middle eastern countries, creating a testing ground for new weapons and surveillance technology among many other black projects the public will never know about.

They used terror by releasing Covid-19 bioweapon that was managed by the DOD and the creation was funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars. This bioweapon released did key things: depopulating (murdering) millions across the globe either by direct contact with the bioweapon or Covid-19 hospital policies using euthanization drugs and malpractice. This also established the base for the new digital concentration camp, it demolished the economy further by labeling small businesses as "not essential", crippling competition of businesses that attend the World Economic Forum, to this day legislation and other policies are being built upon the false narrative of a "pandemic" further eroding freedom and economic progress. The pandemic will also completely abolish all sovereignty by declaring the World Health Organization to have complete control of all pandemic response in all countries, they will have complete control and say what happens during the next Pandemic, all governments will take orders from the United Nations.

They will use bank collapses that are purposeful in order to establish a New Economic Order via a CBDC currency that will be controlled by the World Bank under the auspices of the United Nations. We will face a total and complete economic collapse of all banking systems, which will be a way for the Ruling Class to steal ALL wealth and will offer the public a solution: "YOU MUST AGREE TO: 1) participate in the new economy by purchasing essential items with CBDC 2) you must add a mandatory app on your smartphone that will allow you to use CDBC (this app will monitor your purchases, it will even deny you purchasing items that will be labeled illegal including gasoline, vitamins, and ammunition.), the app will also be your Digital ID which you will need for driving, traveling, and just about anything else, it will also contain your social credit score and will dictate to you not to leave the house because you have spent your daily carbon quota already by turning on your Air Conditioning. Everything will be connected by the Internet of Things (IoT) and will report to your app what you do at all times.

In the future, all appliances will be 5G IoT compatible and connected to your app, if you use too much energy you will be capped an unable to drive your electric vehicle, turn on other appliances, or use water. etc. But that is long into the future if we accept this New Order.

There will come a time, after the economic collapse of hackers (vigilantes) who will be labeled "patriots" or "Q" or possibly "Chinese" or "Russian" agents who are allegedly attacking the power grid. There will be blackouts, there will be internet blackouts... and all of it will be blamed on "the enemy". They will also be blamed for the economic collapse of course.. but this "solution" will be Internet 2.0. This "New Internet" will be highly controlled and only people who are willing to participate in the New Economic Order (those who have the Digital ID app) will be allowed to use the internet. You will need a palm scanner to login and will be mandatory on all mousepads.

This is the plan... if people WILLINGLY give into fear as we all did during 9/11, the pandemic, and etc. If we do not fear the Ruling Elite's terror, they have no power. If we question the bank collapses, if we question the next pandemic, if we question terrorism against the power grid or what ever may come through the TEL-A-VISION.. they are powerless. They need us all to comply or it will not work. If just a 1/3 of the population says "fuck off" they have no choice but to push their plans back. We made it happen during 9/11, we're pushing back against the "pandemic" and they're now making a Global Reset collapse happen right now.. but I say, do not fear... keep a clear head, question why at all times and don't trust "the experts", the government, the "scientists", the politician... NO ONE. Not even the so-called Awakened talking-heads, because they're all suspect as far as I'm concerned.