Can we have a thread about what the hell to do right now?
First of all, I'm an idiot when it comes to anything financial. I know many of you aren't. What is the safest thing to do with the money (fiat) that we do have right now? Leave it in our local bank? Credit union? Keep it as cash in my sock drawer? Also, the money in my 401k? Switch it over to bonds or something else I don't fully understand? Any thoughts from someone who's been paying better attention to these things than I?
To see the future extrapolate the recent past...everything goes digital.
I am not a technophobe, I just know that forward progress is not guaranteed. I believe that humanity may have slid backwards in the past and that overly relying on technology without an alternative is short sighted. This is why I believe that physical currency should never disappear. There can be other convenient forms of exchange, but the ability to have in your possession a means of exchange (that requires no outside reliance on external parties) is an important necessity.
Maybe it “should” never disappear. But it will.