posted ago by Knew2u ago by Knew2u +75 / -0

Long story short. This acquaintance of mine is about 35yo (I'm older but we have a similarly aged child who are friends). He worked in retail and was terminated when the business had to close during the "plandemic". Like many, his loss of income devastated the family. With no other choice, he opted in to the $600 per week program for economic relief/assistance in 2020 during Trump's term.

This person is politically neutral. Not a D or an R.

The $600/week assistance helped keep his family afloat throughout 2020 and '21).

Once Biden entered, that economic assistance related to the "plandemic" entirely vanished, and he said "WTF?" No mention of relief of the blue collar labor man/woman. Those "benefits" gone.

In a nutshell, he's realizing the scam, the fact that the plandemic was manufactured, and that a person like Trump would assist during a time of need while a D like Biden will turn his back.