I see what you're saying, but I took it as a change reflective of being in the middle of the firestorm instead of being on the path to it. The Mrs Scotty one was truly different.
But if you're right, wouldn't it be at Scotty's behest?
Think stringing together tweets set to music, saying goodbye, then interpretive animation set to music. These animations aren’t things you just happen to have.
I don't get why you think it was taken over. It just looked like a cool segueway to show the bizarre, but effective animated video.
If you have followed the account, for long enough, you can see the narrative shift.
After today’s video, I’m not so sure now.
I see what you're saying, but I took it as a change reflective of being in the middle of the firestorm instead of being on the path to it. The Mrs Scotty one was truly different.
But if you're right, wouldn't it be at Scotty's behest?
Think stringing together tweets set to music, saying goodbye, then interpretive animation set to music. These animations aren’t things you just happen to have.
The hands together of President Trump at the end, the symbol reminds me of this....... https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.-CL_zkTqcefBpR8Mo6WXCgHaEM%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=4eaa99f647d2937edcf41453e9ec298e06051e01123488f98a556adbffa8c46e&ipo=images