First noticed chem trails in 2002. Looked up and the sky was a grid. Not normal. Occasionally try to point this out to people when chem trails are obvious, but they just shrug.
Great way is to just look up. Constantly. Look at the trails, public distrust builds more and more each day. You could literally put that little nagging suspicion in hundreds a day by nervously looking up.
Laugh and say to yourself little quips do some airquotes and chuckle “water vapor” “real clouds.”
Look up and shake your head early when you can see them blatantly covering like in first pic say “oh gee there goes the blue sky! Better enjoy it while it’s here!”
I took these two pics myself on a whim, on a hatred, predicting and knowing how prevalent and widespread it is, and was able to capture this before and after within a mere 2 hours, right at sun rise when they set to work. (They went hard at night too though)
Look what a horrifying example this is, just one picture might change many minds today. Like clock work. Look at the clouds which have suddenly moved in and sweeper the sky.
Do those look natural or does it look like a heavily seeded sky?
First noticed chem trails in 2002. Looked up and the sky was a grid. Not normal. Occasionally try to point this out to people when chem trails are obvious, but they just shrug.
Great way is to just look up. Constantly. Look at the trails, public distrust builds more and more each day. You could literally put that little nagging suspicion in hundreds a day by nervously looking up.
Laugh and say to yourself little quips do some airquotes and chuckle “water vapor” “real clouds.”
Look up and shake your head early when you can see them blatantly covering like in first pic say “oh gee there goes the blue sky! Better enjoy it while it’s here!”
I took these two pics myself on a whim, on a hatred, predicting and knowing how prevalent and widespread it is, and was able to capture this before and after within a mere 2 hours, right at sun rise when they set to work. (They went hard at night too though)
Look what a horrifying example this is, just one picture might change many minds today. Like clock work. Look at the clouds which have suddenly moved in and sweeper the sky.
Do those look natural or does it look like a heavily seeded sky?