For the past couple of years I have been working on paying off my mortgage and being debt free. My wife and I both wanted to do this. It was not always easy but we keep plugging away. Today was my last mortgage payment. We now own our house free and clear. We have no other debt.
For anyone reading this that is still on the path to being debt free. Don't give up. Is it hard at times but no matter what anybody tells you it is worth it.
No one knows what the future holds (Until the real President is back in office). We are very concerned that inflation is going to get really bad. Hopefully not having debt will make it easier to deal with rising prices.
Anyway once again. Thanks everybody.
There is the other thing: once the interest rates are going up you don't have to worry that your mortgage payment would go to the roof and in the worst case scenario (hyperinflation) to might lose your home, not being able to pay it.
I have my own experience paying the last mortgage payment. I agree: You feel free again. Congratulations!