It only became apparent in retrospect that he deliberately delayed us as he came on late and seemed to be dragging out his speech near the end. I only found out when I got home about the "Capitol Breech" timeline and how the breech happened during his speech, by the time we walked the mile and a half over there after he finished the whole thing had been going down for a while already and we could hear the flash bangs going off from a few blocks away. When I arrived the fencing had already been removed from the backside of the building.
Ties in with the Senate count of electoral votes. Trump knew the fedsurrection FF had to start before the motions to object to the electors could be heard in the Senate.
kk, so, the plan was to speak late, and long.
The DS had set their clock at one o'clock. LOL, most Trump supporters were still listening to him.
It only became apparent in retrospect that he deliberately delayed us as he came on late and seemed to be dragging out his speech near the end. I only found out when I got home about the "Capitol Breech" timeline and how the breech happened during his speech, by the time we walked the mile and a half over there after he finished the whole thing had been going down for a while already and we could hear the flash bangs going off from a few blocks away. When I arrived the fencing had already been removed from the backside of the building.
Ties in with the Senate count of electoral votes. Trump knew the fedsurrection FF had to start before the motions to object to the electors could be heard in the Senate.